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Get rid of 50 things
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On 118 lists and 38 people have done it.
1 - 10
Sorted through stationary drawer. Cleared out more than 10 things but wanted to group them all together. Will take some to the office instead.

Threw some old clay figurines out.
When I moved into my new house...I got rid of A LOT
Got rid of 4 things today, halfway there.
4 more things.

Released two books via postcrossing - 48 to go
Got rid of 5 more things today.

I just got rid of like 12 panties which don't fit me anymore, that is a good start I guess. :D

1-3) Threw away 3 items from the utensil drawer

4-5) Threw away 2 items from the plastic drawer

6) Gave away many of the cables and such from the electronics drawer

7) Gave away all the electronics stuff in the yardsale tub
Tre poser med klær til containeren
Took 4 radiators and a whole lot of scrap metal to the garbage deposit. Must count as a few things, right?
Cleared out my underwear drawer and am throwing out or giving away underwear (bras) that haven't fit me in years but that I've held on to because they are really pretty or really expensive. There's dozens of them...
Solgte reisesenga!
tripp trapp-stol

en tripp trapp-stol til


to pakker gulvmatte


barneski og tre par skisko

masse leker (kunne sikkert telle som tjue ting, men det ville vært juks)

20 hair, beauty, clothes, stuff
so far i have gotten rid of my...

TV stand

Couches 2

Night stand


Beds 2

Lounge chair

Computer chairs 2

Washer and Dryer

Tanning bed

Dining table

Total 13
10 books

20 tapes, books, paintings, hair products, clothing
Hair Dryer (6)
Hair Dye, 3 perfumes, art supplies and box to Jayde (5)
I should've taken a picture of it all but I got rid of a little over 50 articles of clothing and took them to a consignment boutique!
If you have ever given me anything then there's a good chance that I've either sold it on eBay or donated it to Goodwill. I'll apologize for that now, I really did like the gift.
1) old broken watch

2-6) 5 books

7) Postcard book

8-9) two batches of postcards

rest: about 60 Geo and National Geographic magazines
Last 8 items done! And some additional old paperwork purging to boot.
Almost done! This weekend I did a quick tidy & purge. Some things went into the trash/recycling and some off to charity. I'm up to 42 things. 8 more things to go. As a bonus, most of these things came out of the spare bedroom, which also supports my goal to have NT come and stay a week.
I have gotten rid of probably about 20 articles of clothing! Yes!
1. HP all-in-one printer
2. old sunglasses
3. a santa claus hat
4. an old floor lamp
5. radio alarm clock
6. a couch
2) Gave my roomate an old printer cartridge to take to school to recycle.
1) A pair of sparkly undies I never wore because they got sparkles everywhere!
..put lots of clothes on ebay-kleinanzeigen.
put all these things on ebay-kleinanzeigen to get rid of them...

1. HP all-in-one Printer
2. another printer
3. Epson-scanner