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Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for
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100 ting jeg er takknemlig for

1. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha klart å fullføre sykepleiestudiet

2. Jeg er takknemlig for gode tilbakemeldinger under praksis fra studieårene

3. Jeg er takknemlig for alle pasientene mine som jeg har møtt, lærer alltid no nytt

4. Jeg er takknemlig for min gode venn Ella som har vært i livet mitt siden vi var 6 år

5. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha hatt Siv som venninne i mange år før hun sviktet

6. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha hatt Monica i livet mitt selv om vi har mindre kontakt nå enn før

7. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha blitt kjent med Lisa og sønnen hennes Raphael

8. Jeg er takknemlig for all oppmuntring jeg har fått av Lisa mens ting var tøft høsten 2019

9. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha blitt kjent med Line

10. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha blitt kjent med Hilde

11. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha blitt kjent med Anette

12. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha kontakt med Christopher igjen

13. Takknemlig for å ha noe kontakt med Cecilie C. Sætha

14. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha blitt med i gruppa til Espen og Bianca

15. Jeg er veldig takknemlig for oppfølgingen jeg har mottatt fra Espen året 2019

16. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har blitt kjent med Inge

17. Jeg er takknemlig for hengekøyen jeg fikk i bursdagsgave av Inge April 2019

18. Jeg er takknemlig for at Inge hjalp meg med å komme til eksamen i Oktober 2019

19. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg bor i Norge

20. Jeg er takknemlig for at Norge har mange årstider

21. Jeg er takknemlig for et ganske velfungerende kollektiv

22. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har en sjef som er interessert i å hjelpe meg trives på jobb

23. Jeg er takknemlig for leiligheten min

24. Jeg er takknemlig for løvebildet mamma har fått malt til meg i Thailand

25. Jeg er takknemlig for mobilen min

26. Jeg er takknemlig for PCen min

27. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har hatt Anicha i kommunen til å hjelpe meg i 10 år

28. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg får bistand fra NAV mens økonomien har vært tøff

29. Jeg er takknemlig for at NAV hjelper meg ut i jobb

30. Jeg er takknemlig for min evne til å spare og være økonomisk selv om det kan være tøft

31. Jeg er takknemlig for hjelpen jeg har mottatt fra DPS igjennom 10 år

32. Jeg er takknemlig for psykolog Lage Fosheim Lauritzsen

33. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg fikk tilbud fra TOO-teamet ang tannlegeangsten

34. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg går til psykomotorisk fysioterapi

35. Jeg er takknemlig for turen min til Zimbabwe

36. Jeg er takknemlig for vennskapet mitt med Dennis

37. Jeg er takknemlig for utvekslingsoppholdet mitt i Ghana

38. Jeg er takknemlig for ferieturene jeg har hatt til Thailand

39. Jeg er takknemlig for turen min til Charlotte i USA

40. Jeg er takknemlig for alle ferieturene vi har hatt som familie

41. Jeg er takknemlig for turen til Syros med Monica sommeren 2010

42. Jeg er takknemlig for turen til Rhodos med Siv høsten 2017

43. Jeg er takknemlig for mamma

44. Jeg er takknemlig for pappa

45. Jeg er takknemlig for Erlend

46. Jeg er takknemlig for bestemor

47. Jeg er takknemlig for Nils

48. Jeg er takknemlig for Mette

49. Jeg er takknemlig for Vollen i Asker

50. Jeg er takknemlig for intellektet mitt

51. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha vokst opp med Dillie i livet mitt

52. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha vokst opp med Jacko i livet mitt

53. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha hatt Nikita i livet mitt selv om det var ganske kort periode

54. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha vokst opp med Trampe i livet mitt

55. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha Nala i livet mitt

56. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha hatt Pluto i livet mitt

57. Jeg er takknemlig for at pappa har fått en ny valp, Larsen

58. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha hatt Stella, Sikker, Zita, Shiba, Birk og fler hunder i livet mitt

59. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har mat i kjøleskap, fryser og kjøkkenskap

60. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har klær som jeg kan bruke

61. Jeg er takknemlig for senga mi, den er veldig deilig å ligge i

62. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg er kreativ

63. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har ganske så bra fysisk helse

64. Jeg er takknemlig for muligheten til å trene

65. Jeg er takknemlig for Skedsmo Røde Kors hjelpekorps

66. Jeg er takknemlig for mulighetene jeg har hatt til å ta kurs igjennom RKH

67. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg kan svømme

68. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg kan lese

69. Jeg er takknemlig for bøker

70. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg kan høre

71. Jeg er takknemlig for musikk

72. Jeg er takknemlig for Celine Dion

73. Jeg er takknemlig for Freddie Mercery og Queen

74. Jeg er takknemlig for Chester Bennington og Linkin Park

75. Jeg er takknemlig for Mike Shenoda

76. Jeg er takknemlig for Sims 4

77. Jeg er takknemlig for Age of Empire

78. Jeg er takknemlig for Løvenes konge

79. Jeg er takknemlig for Akutten

80. Jeg er takknemlig for The green mile

81. Jeg er takknemlig for snø

82. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har en fantastisk flink fastlege

83. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg endelig har begynt prosessen mot å bli mamma

84. Jeg er takknemlig for at det finnes farger

85. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg kan se

86. Jeg er takknemlig for YouTube

87. Jeg er takknemlig for Pinterest

88. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg kan skrive

89. Jeg er takknemlig for å kunne snakke

90. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har rent vann i krana

91. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg ikke bor i et land med krig

92. Jeg er takknemlig for at de jeg er glad i har det ganske så godt og er i god nok helse

93. Jeg er takknemlig for all lærdommen jeg har fått i livet

94. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg har overlevd alle utfordringene jeg har stått i

95. Jeg er takknemlig for muligheten til å ta tak i livet mitt og endre det til et bedre et

96. Jeg er takknemlig for å ha muligheten til å hjelpe andre igjennom jobb

97. Jeg er takknemlig for å kunne inspirere andre

98. Jeg er takknemlig for eiendelene mine

99. Jeg er takknemlig for at det finnes en ny dag i morgen

100. Jeg er takknemlig for at jeg er meg

1. My dog, Wendy

2. My mom

3. My sisters

4. My nieces

5. My home

6. My car

7. My education


1. Tim

2. Mo

3. Karri

4. Karri's family

5. I have a roof over my head

6. I have a reliable vehicle

7. I have a job I believe in

8. Keith Coleman

9. a wonderful church community

10. wine

11. beer

12. chocolate

13. movies

14. documentaries

15. King of the Hill

16. Game of Thrones

17. Bob's Burgers

18. the ability to watch cable shows on a nice TV

19. the ability to have access to wifi at home

20. a great office of intelligent, passionate, and respectful people

21. my ability to get around without need of assistance

22. swimming

23. walking at local places

24. Pendle Hill

25. The McShane family

26. Pam and Randy Poe

27. lucky enough to live in a country where we have rights others do not have

28. I have food in the fridge and cupboard

51) For Grandma paying for my Alton Towers Ticket

52) For Steve's family contributing to his Alton Towers Ticket

53) For my Brother buying the tickets for Alton Towers in advance

54) For Uncle Chris cooking amazing meals

55) For someone being interested in my handmade crochet products

56) For m (...more)
41) Fresh clean water

42) All the yarn brought for me to pursue my hobby

43) Fluffy towels

44) For my new bag for my birthday from an unlikely person

45) For Unlimited hours of fun on Guitar Hero games

46) For awesome TV series on Netflix

47) For colouring books to calm my mind

48) For a jewerly (...more)
21) For my Tangle Teezer (no more knots or clumps of hair coming out)

22) For our comfy all seasons tog duvet (It's so toasty)

23) For being able to pick up crochet quite quickly

24) Fleecey pyjamas

25) Sunlight everyday

26) Being able to see the stars on a clear night

27) Candles, to create a warming cosy glow on chilly nights

28) For handy battery operated fairy lights I can keep all year round

29) LUSH bubblebars

30) That we have a bath in our apartment

31) Mom buying me an Eeyore onesie =P

32) Cats

33) Our landlady for putting in a new cooker after the old one packed up

34) Flowers

35) Having the money to buy my collection of Russia dolls

36) All my Eeyore's that have been gifted to me over the years

37) Perfume's gifted to me (I don't think I've ever needed to buy myself any yet, but now when I do I know my favourites)

38) My guitar gifted to me when I was in my teens

39) For my grandma buying me a lovely set of towels

40) Free crochet patterns available online
I am grateful for:

1 - Books

2 - Warm clothes to keep me warm in the winter

3 - Steve paying for my upkeep

4 - Music

5 - Movies

6 - Grandma paying off my overdraft

7 - Mom paying for me to go to Spain

8 - Being able to freely use the library

9 - Getting a discount off my Gym membership

10 - For Neal (...more)
11) Steve's mom buying me a crochet pattern and yarn

12) Steve's dad taking us shopping regularly

13) Being able to get vouchers from surveys and buying others gifts

14) Living in a place with my partner

15) Able to use the internet to find this site

16) Able to use Goodreads to connect with others about books

17) Birthday money so I as able to buy my very own Pandora charm bracelet

18) Having learnt how to cook and bake when I was younger

19) My family paying my my accomadation and travel to go on holdiay with them

20) For our new comfortable, cosy bed
14 items on the list so far...
List of 100 things that I am grateful for

1) my life

2) living in a free and safe country

3) peace in the part of the world I live in

4) free access to high quality medical service

5) free access to education (including university)

6) being able to see

7) being able to hear

8) being able to talk

9) being able to walk

10) the ability to read

11) the ability to learn

12) my friends

13) my job

14) nice colleagues

15) having a lot of freedom at work

16) not having to get up early in the morning since I can choose my work hours most of the time

17) being sent to congresses to keep on learning – and having a chance to explore new cities at the same time

18) computers – make my work so much easier

19) people who take me just the way I am

20) the possibilities I have

21) being able to travel

22) my intelligence

23) my curiosity

24) my clumsiness – since it’s just part of being me

25) my talent for learning languages (even if my German accent is horrible)

26) having been able to study what I’m really interested in

27) a few special teachers who saw my potential when many others did not

28) some happy childhood memories

29) the way my best friend and I often think alike and say/write exactly the same simultaneously

30) not having my mother’s and sister’s pessimistic view of life

31) being able to appreciate the little things

32) the wonders of nature

33) being able to visit friends around Europe without needing a visa or something like that

34) my best friend who shares my love for the Bayer 04 football (soccer) team

35) books

36) the internet

37) a baby’s smile

38) laughter

39) Postcrossing

40) the Postcrossing Aliens

41) the fun we have at Postcrossing meetings

42) people sharing my craziness/weirdness

43) chocolate

44) Disney movies

45) maps – just love them in every way they come

46) living in a city with amazing train connections considering its size

47) sunshine

48) having enough time on my own

49) my penfriends

50) Lebensfreude (one of those words that don’t have a perfect English translation)

51) Fernweh

52) being relatively healthy despite being heavily overweight – guess I’m lucky

53) snail mail

54) glasses – would really have problem without

55) dreams

56) being able to make people smile or laugh sometimes

57) living in a country with literally hundreds of different types of breads – and not just that soft stuff many other countries sell for bread

58) rainbows

59) the beauty of the world

60) always having access to clean water

61) ice-cream

62) passion fruit anything

63) mango anything

64) Facebook

65) electricity

66) postcards in my mailbox

67) public transportation

68) being independent

69) living in a country where central heating is a standard in buildings

70) nice, funny, meaningful, hilarious, or whatever conversations with friends – in real life, via chat, phone or forum posts

71) Germany’s really good railway system (even though people keep complaining about it A LOT)

72) the support of my colleagues on certain decisions

73) that there is spring after every winter

74) and summer after spring

75) good public libraries

76) rather cheap flights within Europe

77) my father who paid most of my education till I was done with my studies

78) the smell after a summer rain on a warm day

79) access to save & tested medication

80) the supermarket just across the street

81) my bike (because I just hate walking!)

82) all the documentaries on TV that let me “travel” around the world and through time from home

83) Swedish classes which help not to forget what I’ve already learned

84) my new smartphone (even if I didn’t want one for quite a long time)

85) knowing how to cook yummy food

86) knowing how to bake yummy cakes

87) not having to clean the staircase/hallway since a neighbor is taking care of that

88) DVDs that come with the original soundtrack (in case of movies in English or Swedish)

89) free online courses

90) comfy shoes

91) the wide choice of different postcards in Germany

92) names, because they can be quite interesting

93) all the things I learn through Postcrossing – how people from different countries can be so different and still alike

94) travel guidebooks

95) the fast, reliable and inexpensive German postal service

96) magnetic bookmarks because they don’t slide out of the book

97) democracy

98) the money I earn

99) my family (even if I’m glad that they live quite a bit away)

100) having found 100 things for this list ;D

Making this list was very freeing! You will love it! :)
And keep it on my mirror to read every morning
2. keith
5. brother
7. god kids
8. friends
10. the fact i have a job
11. the things i have went through in my life
12. sister
13. secreat
14. That I was able to give keke a good Christmas
15. That I have God in my life.
100 Things I am Grateful For

1. My family
2. Free Health Care
3. The fact that we have paid off our house so we will never be homeless
4. That my parents both have good jobs so that we may have good lives
5. Living in a MEDC
6. The love my family gives me
7. My room
8. Colour-without it the world would be a lot more boring
9. My memories
10. My intelligence
11. My compassion
12. The opportunities I have to reach people
13. My faith
14. God
15. Jesus
16. My epiphanies
17. That I can choose and practice my own religion freely and without persecution
18. The diversity of people in the world
19. Feminism
20. Activists
21. The internet
22. Free education
23. Teachers who honestly want the best for their students
24. Inspiration
25. Advances in technology
26. My support network
27. That I am learning to love myself
28. Laughter
29. Music
30. Loyalty
31. Honesty
32. Generosity
33. Kindness
34. Magic
35. The people in the world who show me that goodness is not forgotten when I have all but lost faith
36. People who’re willing to sacrifice everything for others
37. Shared interests
38. Personal differences
39. That every day there is something new to learn
40. No matter how lonely I feel, there will always be someone there for me
41. Lizzie
42. Soph
43. Ed
44. Joe
45. Arran
46. Ali
47. Ian
48. Beki Chapman
50. Felicia
51. Allie
52. John
53. Amanda
54. Gabe
55. Dee
56. Random acts of kindness
57. Selfishness
58. Guidance
59. That every day is a fresh start and a new opportunity
60. That a life can be changed
61. That no one is ever past redemption
62. Artistic expression
63. Acceptance
64. Free Speach
65. A right to choose
66. Disney
67. Warner Brothers
68. Dreamworks
69. Literature
70. Movies
71. Chocolate
72. Comfort
73. Travel
74. Culture
75. Being able to learn from history
76. Healing
77. Patience
78. My childhood
79. Protection
80. Creativity
81. Ideas
82. Photographs
83. Text message/IM conversations which are either so meaningful or so funny that it doesn’t matter that you’re not with the person face to face
84. Skype
85. Phones
86. Instant messaging
87. Knowledge
88. Discovery
89. South Park
90. Beauty in all shapes and forms
91. Body acceptance
92. Ipods
93. Inside jokes
94. Togetherness
95. Electricity
96. Love
97. Hope
98. Miracles
99. Nature
100. That I’ve had to miss things off this list
It got harder after I got past 40 but somehow I found another 60 things that I'm grateful to have in my life, ^^ Just gotta keep pushing myself, you know?
View it here http://chasek8.livejournal.com/1642.html