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🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🙏 Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for / 🤗 Make a list of 25 things I like about myself / 👫 Make a list of what I'm looking for / what is important to me in a relationship / 📝 Write a letter to someone I admire / Make a list of my 25 best qualities / Be 100% honest for a day / Be completely honest for a week / Make a list of things I like about myself / Make a list of things that I like about myself / 🌙 Stay up all night talking / Be in a serious relationship / Ask someone out / List 100 things I like about myself / Be a better friend / Go a week without lying / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Make peace with people whose friendships with me ended badly / Write a list of guidelines to live by / improve my relationship with my mom / Write a personal creed / Rekindle a lost friendship with an old friend / Don't lie for a week / Don't gossip for a week / Find someone who really loves me / Write my own vows / Stop talking about people behind their back / Get married and stay married / Find true love / Find a nice guy / Stop gossiping! / Be more honest / Be more open / Learn not to say yes when I really mean no / Answer a personal ad / Tell the truth for a week / Tell someone the story of my life, sparing no details / Make a list of my best and worst qualities / Reconcile with first love / Make a list of 25 things I like about myself and my life / Write a 100 things I like about my wife / Trust someone enough to feel comfortable telling them everything / Be In A Long Relationship / Say 'I love you' and mean it /