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🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🇮🇹 Visit Italy / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🌸 Visit Japan / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🙏 Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for / 🏰 Visit London ENGLAND / 🍀 Visit Ireland / 🎶 Attend a music festival in another country / 🛫 Visit Berlin GERMANY / 🏰 Visit Barcelona SPAIN / 🚲 Visit Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit Scotland / Visit Canada / Travel to Europe / 🍣 Go to a food festival / 🏙 Visit Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit Greece / Go to Canada / 🏰 Visit Prague CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit France / 🎉 Visit New Orleans LOUISIANA / Visit Europe / Visit England / Visit Spain / 🎉 Spend New Year's Eve in another country / 🎭 Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans LOUISIANA / Visit Germany / 🏰 Visit Edinburgh SCOTLAND / 🍀 Visit Dublin IRELAND / Travel to a new country / 🏙️ Visit Seattle WASHINGTON / 🇹🇭 Visit Thailand / 🍁 Visit Montreal CANADA / Go to Scotland / 🗼 Visit Tokyo JAPAN / Go to Germany / Visit Toronto CANADA / Visit Boston / Go to Spain / 🏙 Visit Vancouver CANADA / 🌴 Spend New Year's Eve in an exotic location / Visit Florida UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🛫 Visit Budapest HUNGARY / 🌴 Visit Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / 🛫 Visit Madrid SPAIN / Visit Mexico / Visit America / Visit India / Go to New Orleans / Attend 5 concerts / Visit Philadelphia PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Sweden / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Travel to Canada / Travel to Spain / Visit Hong Kong CHINA / 🎭 Go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Visit the USA / Go to India / Visit Wales / Visit South America / 🎈 Attend the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival NEW MEXICO / Visit Colorado UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🎉 Visit Bourbon Street in New Orleans LOUISIANA / Visit the New Orleans French Quarter LOUISIANA / Visit Asia / 🗺️ Travel to Asia / Visit Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Russia / Visit LA / Visit Portugal / 🇨🇺 Visit Cuba / Visit/travel to a city in Europe I have never been to / Travel around Europe / Visit Brussels BELGIUM / Visit Turkey / 🏙️ Visit Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / Go to Mardi Gras / Swim in the Mediterranean / 🌎 Travel to South America / Go to a Renaissance Faire / Travel to Germany / 🎉 Attend a multi-day music festival / Visit Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA / Go to the USA / Visit Texas UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Morocco / Visit Bath ENGLAND / Visit Oxford ENGLAND / Go to South America / Travel to India / Visit South Africa / Visit Melbourne AUSTRALIA / Visit Austria / Visit Africa / Visit Denmark / 🌇 Visit Stockholm SWEDEN / Visit Croatia / Go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras / Go to Oktoberfest in Munich GERMANY / Make a list of 1000 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Attend 10 concerts / 🏰 Visit Salzburg AUSTRIA / Go to Edinburgh / Visit the UK / Visit the Netherlands / Travel through Europe / Visit Bangkok THAILAND / 🎶 Visit Liverpool ENGLAND / Make a list of 101 things I love / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Visit Poland / 🏙️ Visit Oslo NORWAY / 🎉 Visit India during the Holi festival INDIA / Visit North Carolina UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / 🧭 Get lost in a different country / Attend a hot air ballon festival / Throw tomatoes at strangers in the La Tomatina Festival in Bunol, Valencia SPAIN / Visit Seoul SOUTH KOREA / Visit a European country I've never visited / 🛫 Travel to 5 new countries / Visit Georgia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Cardiff WALES / Visit the United Kingdom / Visit the United States of America / 🌲 Visit Michigan UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Attend a music festival abroad / Go to Morocco / Visit Mexico City MEXICO / 🎭 Attend a cultural festival / Go to Montreal / Go to South Africa / Go to a music festival in another country / 🌇 Visit Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Go to Wales / Visit Malta / Visit Northeastern USA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit at least 25 states / Visit Quebec City CANADA / Visit NYC during autumn / Streak in a public place / 🎢 Visit Universal Studios Japan JAPAN / Attend Oktoberfest in Germany GERMANY / Visit Quebec CANADA / Travel across Europe / Visit Nepal / Visit Korea / Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich / Celebrate the spring and autumn equinox / 🎉 Visit Brazil during Carnivale / Visit Beijing CHINA / Visit Massachusetts UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Travel around the world / Visit New Jersey UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Brighton UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Pennsylvania UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🏙️ Visit Hamburg GERMANY / Go to Singapore / Visit Glasgow SCOTLAND / Visit Holland / Go to Korea / Visit Belfast NORTHERN IRELAND / 🚴♂️ Attend the Tour de France FRANCE / Visit Frankfurt GERMANY / Go to a hot air balloon festival / 🇵🇷 Go to Puerto Rico / Visit the Czech Republic / Visit Nova Scotia CANADA / Visit South Carolina UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go to Hong Kong / Visit Santa Fe NEW MEXICO / Visit Ottawa CANADA / Visit Northern Ireland UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Munich GERMANY / Attend the Day of the Dead celebrations MEXICO / Visit Perth AUSTRALIA / Experience the nightlife in San Francisco / Travel to China / Visit Cornwall / Visit Rhode Island UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Christchurch NEW ZEALAND / Visit Kentucky UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go to Argentina / Visit Hungary / Visit Louisiana UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Illinois UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Virginia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit the Philippines / Visit Maryland UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Minnesota UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Travel out of state / Visit St. Petersburg / 🏰 Visit Tallinn ESTONIA / Visit Marrakech MOROCCO / Visit Wisconsin UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Yorkshire ENGLAND / Visit and explore Colorado / Visit Connecticut UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Chiang Mai THAILAND / Visit Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA / Attend the Bordeaux Wine Festival FRANCE / Visit Malaysia / Visit Oklahoma UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🍷 Drink Sangria in Spain SPAIN / Go to the Calgary Stampede CANADA / Visit Taiwan / Visit Calgary CANADA / Explore Edinburgh on foot SCOTLAND / Explore Antwerp BELGIUM / Explore Venice ITALY / Visit Indiana UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Indonesia / Attend the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Visit the southern hemisphere / Attend the Verona in Love festivities ITALY / Explore Prague CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit West Virginia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Write a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🛳️ Visit Nassau BAHAMAS / Visit Delaware UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go to Hungary / Visit York / Photograph local sights / Visit the Pacific Islands / 🇳🇱 Participate in the Queen's Day Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Go to the Venice Carnival ITALY / Explore South America / Visit Lesotho / Visit Riga LATVIA / 🌇 Visit Singapore City SINGAPORE / Visit Bucharest ROMANIA / Visit Bratislava SLOVAKIA / Visit Canberra AUSTRALIA / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Go to the Philippines / Celebrate the solstice / Go wild in Rio during Carnival / Visit Lake Lucerne SWITZERLAND / Visit Slovenia / 🌴 Visit Barbados / Visit Zagreb CROATIA / 🏙️ Visit Lima PERU / Visit Nebraska UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Savannah GEORGIA / Go to Oktoberfest in Germany / Travel to Hong Kong / Attend the Deventer Book Fair NETHERLANDS / Explore Montreal CANADA / Throw Tomatoes at La Tomatina SPAIN / Visit Ljubljana SLOVENIA / Visit Wellington NEW ZEALAND / 🎪 See the Highland Games in Scotland SCOTLAND / Visit Santiago CHILE / Travel to Nepal / Visit Marrakesh MOROCCO / Take a vacation to a Spanish speaking country / Visit Malaga SPAIN / Explore Chinatown / Visit Manchester ENGLAND / 🌄 Visit Cusco PERU / Visit Colombia / Visit Madeira PORTUGAL / Visit Wrocław, the city of 100 bridges POLAND / Explore Budapest HUNGARY / Visit Indianapolis INDIANA / Visit Sri Lanka / Visit Macau CHINA / Visit Ukraine / Visit Las Vegas on New Year's Eve / Visit Belgrade SERBIA / 🍷 Visit Bordeaux FRANCE / Visit Kerala INDIA / Visit Kathmandu NEPAL / 🏝️ Visit the Virgin Islands UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🏝️ Visit Saint Lucia / Attend Albuquerque's Balloon Fiesta NEW MEXICO / Visit the bavarian themed town of Leavenworth WASHINGTON / 🌳 Explore Vondelpark in the summer NETHERLANDS / Visit Bhutan / Visit Bogota COLOMBIA / Visit Macedonia / Visit Austin TEXAS / Go to Louisiana / Visit Guatemala / Visit Seville SPAIN / Visit Auckland NEW ZEALAND / Visit Slovakia / 🏛️ Visit Ankara TURKEY / 🇳🇮 Visit Nicaragua / Visit Zurich SWITZERLAND / Attend the Rio Carnaval / Visit Manila PHILIPPINES / Go to Nepal / Visit the Isle of Wight UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Bulgaria / Get drunk at the Munich Oktoberfest GERMANY / Take a vacation to Scotland /