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🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🏛 Go to 5 different museums / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🙏 Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for / Visit a museum / 🧭 Try Geocaching / 📷 Buy a new camera / 💻 Buy a new laptop / Get a new phone / Buy a laptop / Write myself a mail via / Learn Morse code / 📷 Buy a camera / 💻 Buy a new computer / Attend a TED event / Go to Japan / Get an iPhone / 📱 Buy a new phone / Buy a good camera / Make a list of 100 books I would like to read / Write a play / 📷 Buy a digital camera / 🏙️ Visit Seattle WASHINGTON / Get a new cell phone / 🗼 Visit Tokyo JAPAN / 📷 Buy a proper DSLR camera / Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved / Own an iPhone / 👓 Watch a 3D movie / Pick 3 things to start and finish on / Make a list of 100 things about me / Go to a convention / Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes / Buy a professional camera / Buy an iPhone / Watch a movie in 3D / Buy a new digital camera / See a film in 3D / Get a new digital camera / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / Get a new cellphone / 🚅 Take a trip on the Shinkansen (Bullet train) JAPAN / 📚 Read a non-fiction book / 💻 Buy a Kindle / 🚀 Visit the National Air and Space Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / 📷 Buy a digital SLR camera / Get a Macbook / List 100 things that make me happy / Make 5 things from / Visit 3 museums / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / Buy new laptop / Attend a TED Talk event / Invent something / 📱 Buy a new cellphone / 💻 Buy an iPad / List 100 things I like about myself / Send myself an e-mail via / 🚀 Visit the Kennedy Space Center FLORIDA / Buy a better camera / Start a blog or journal / Read a book set in the future / Get an iPad / Go to 3 different museums / 💻 Buy a Macbook Pro / Get a new iPod / Make a list of 101 things I'm thankful for / Go to Tokyo / 🌵 Go to SXSW TEXAS / Make a list of 101 things I love / Build a robot / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / Buy an iPod / Buy a big screen television / Learn a new programming language / Visit a new museum / Quit Facebook for a month / Watch 20 documentaries / Build your own computer / Read a non fiction book about science / Listen to a podcast / Start a new hobby / Attend SXSW TEXAS / Ride on a segway / Visit a museum on a free day / Visit the Seattle Central Library WASHINGTON / Start a podcast / Buy a netbook / Attend South by Southwest in Austin, TX TEXAS / Visit the U.S. Space and Rocket Center ALABAMA / Tour a factory / Visit the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame WASHINGTON / Get an iPod Touch / Buy a new Mac / Remix a song / Build a new computer / Ride the world's fastest train in Shanghai CHINA / Visit the London Science Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Bibliotheca Alexandrina EGYPT / 🤖 Eat at the Robot Restaurant in Tokyo JAPAN / Visit the Cooper Union NEW YORK / 🎞️ Visit the National Media Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Henry Ford Museum MICHIGAN / Become Tumblr famous / Visit the Museum of Science and Industry ILLINOIS / 🖼️ Visit the Sendai Mediatheque JAPAN / Meet the Mythbusters / Take a Segway tour / Visit the Maryland Science Center MARYLAND / Visit the Newseum WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🔍 Visit Bletchley Park UNITED KINGDOM / Learn about the oil industry / Eat at the world's first fully automated restaurant in Nuremberg GERMANY / Buy a Japanese gadget at Akihabara JAPAN / Drive a Formula 1 car / Visit the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum OHIO / Visit the Omniplex OKLAHOMA / Read Brave New World / Take a local train to Electric Town JAPAN / Visit the Atomium BELGIUM / Visit MOTAT (Museum of Transport & Technology) NEW ZEALAND / Stroll through the NEMO Museum on the banks of the IJ NETHERLANDS / 🏛️ Visit the National World War II Museum LOUISIANA / Visit the National Radio Astronomy Observatory WEST VIRGINIA / Attend the Cambridge Science Festival ENGLAND / Move to Austin / Visit the Australian Centre for the Moving Image AUSTRALIA / Learn my name in Morse code / Visit Conner Prairie Interactive History Park INDIANA / Visit Akihabara JAPAN / Read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley / Listen to a podcast every day for a month / Go to the Newseum / See the Foire de Paris (Paris Fair) FRANCE / 📚 Pick a random book off a library shelf and read it / Read an entire Encyclopedia / Find a new favorite book / 🏛️ Visit the Story of Berlin Museum GERMANY / Watch a TED talk / Visit the Museum of Nature and Science COLORADO / 🛩️ Visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force OHIO / Visit the Montshire Museum of Science VERMONT / Buy a heart rate monitor / Visit CERN SWITZERLAND / Visit Tel Aviv ISRAEL / Visit the nuclear power plant turned theme park in Kalkar GERMANY / Join the Air Force / Test your driving skills at Volkswagen's Autostadt theme park in Wolfsburg GERMANY / Visit the Atomic Bomb Museum in Nagasaki JAPAN / Visit Heureka FINLAND / Visit the DDR Museum GERMANY / Visit the Swiss Museum of Transport SWITZERLAND / Visit the American Precision Museum VERMONT / Visit the Nikola Tesla Museum SERBIA / Visit the Museum of Pop Culture WASHINGTON / Visit the Smithsonian National Air WASHINGTON, D.C. / Buy a waterproof camera / Visit London Science Museum ENGLAND / Visit Pixar Studios / Listen to a podcast every week / Live in Alaska / Attend a TED conference / Visit the Franklin Institute PHILADELPHIA / Visit Discovery Place NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Archimedes Science Museum in Limassol CYPRUS / Visit California Science Center LOS ANGELES / Visit the Oakland Museum of California CALIFORNIA / Visit the Liberty Science Center NEW JERSEY / Visit the Great Lakes Science Center OHIO / Visit the Explorium of Lexington KENTUCKY / Visit Techniquest WALES / Visit the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery OHIO / Visit the Future of Flight Aviation Center and Boeing Tour WASHINGTON / Visit the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum OREGON / Visit the Thomas Crane Public Library in Quincy MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Science Center NEMO NETHERLANDS / Start a new podcast / Visit the Connecticut Science Center CONNECTICUT / Buy a 3D printer / Drive a hovercraft / Visit the Carneige Science Center PENNSYLVANIA / Travel to Beijing / Go to a TED conference / Visit the 5th Avenue Apple Store NEW YORK / Visit the Salt Lake City Public Library UTAH / Visit the Tellus Science Museum, Cartersville GEORGIA / Visit Perot Museum TEXAS / Attend Silicon Valley Comic Con CALIFORNIA / Visit the Technik Museum in Sinsheim GERMANY / Visit the Deutsches Museum GERMANY / Visit the Science Museum of Minnesota MINNESOTA / Explore Pyongyang NORTH KOREA / Visit the Science and Technology Museum in Shanghai CHINA / Visit Pima Air and Space Museum ARIZONA / Visit the Copernicus Science Centre POLAND / Visit the Musee Mecanique CALIFORNIA / Visit Very Large Array NEW MEXICO / See the Spruce Goose / Visit Telus Spark CANADA / Visit the San Francisco Exploratorium CALIFORNIA / Visit the Edinburgh Science Festival SCOTLAND / Fly in jet pack / Visit the Cable Car Museum CALIFORNIA / Attend the International Science Festival in Gothenburg SWEDEN / Spend a day at the Vitenfabrikken (Science Factory) in Sandnes NORWAY / Visit the John Deere Pavilion ILLINOIS / Visit Google HQ / Visit the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Create list of 52 Things to do in 52 Weeks / Visit Ontario Science Centre CANADA / Visit Orlando Science Center FLORIDA / Visit the Tommy Bartlett Exploratory WISCONSIN / Visit Bengaluru INDIA / Have someone follow me on Bucketlist / Build an inspiring workspace / Meet Bill Gates / Attend a Formula One race / Visit the Oil Museum BAHRAIN / Visit the Scientastic Museum in Brussels BELGIUM / Walk around the Edinburgh International Science Festival SCOTLAND / Visit Science World CANADA / Visit the Detroit Science Center MICHIGAN / Visit the museums of Caracas VENEZUELA / Find the International Space Station / Change a light bulb / Feast your eyes on barges being lifted at the ship-lift in Niederfinow GERMANY / Capture lightning in a photograph / Create a mancave / Ride in a hovercraft / Strap a rocket to a merry-go-round / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Visit De Uithof NETHERLANDS / Visit the Ames Free Library in North Easton MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Science Museum of Minnesota / Visit the National Inventors Hall of Fame, North Canton OHIO / Visit the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum, Alexandria VIRGINIA / Visit the Milwaukee Public Library WISCONSIN / Visit Shenzhen CHINA / Attend Geek PicNic Festival / Visit the Virginia Air and Space Center VIRGINIA / Visit a museum on a rainy day / Visit the Hagley Museum, Wilmington DELAWARE / Attend a science fair / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Visit the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, Dayton OHIO / Attend an F1 Grand Prix / Visit Huntsville ALABAMA / Visit the Corning Glass Museum, Corning / Viait the Museum of Transportation, St. Louis MISSOURI / Visit the Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Bradbury Science Museum, Los Alamos NEW MEXICO / Attend In-D-Negev ISRAEL / Visit the National Helicopter Museum in Stratford CONNECTICUT / Visit the Bruce Museum of Art and Science CONNECTICUT / Visit the Strategic Air and Space Museum NEBRASKA / Visit Exploration Place in Wichita KANSAS / Take a tour of Itaipu Dam PARAGUAY / Visit the German Museum of Technology GERMANY / Visit Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum OREGON / Visit the Harold Washington library ILLINOIS / Visit the Vancouver Public Library CANADA / Visit the Museum of Transportation MISSOURI / Visit the Greensboro Children's Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the Big Iron Farm Show NORTH DAKOTA / Attend the Ingenuity Festival OHIO / Visit Submarine Force Library and Museum CONNECTICUT / Visit National Great Rivers Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Museum of Jurassic Technology LOS ANGELES / Visit Apple Store SoHo NEW YORK / Own an hp laptop / Open my own Financial Planning firm / Create personal outdoor movie theater / Stroll around the Malay Technology Museum BRUNEI / Attend the York Festival of Science and Technology ENGLAND /