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🤔 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🔥 Write all my bad memories on paper, burn this paper afterwards / 🙏 Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for / 🤔 Write a list of everything I want to change about myself / 💐 Give flowers to someone / Write a list of things that each person in my life has taught me / Make a list of my 50 most favorite quotes / 🤐 Don't say anything negative for three days / Write to a Death Row inmate / 😊 Be kind to someone who does not like me / Make a list of things I like about myself / Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes / Identify 100 things that make me unique / Right a wrong from my past / Rekindle an old friendship / List 100 things that make me happy / Love myself / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / List 100 things I like about myself / Read the Bible (Old and New Testaments) / Be a better friend / Make a list of 101 things I'm thankful for / Reconnect with a long lost friend / Fall in love again / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Make peace with people whose friendships with me ended badly / Write a list of guidelines to live by / improve my relationship with my mom / Rekindle a lost friendship with an old friend / Don't say anything negative for a day / Learn not to take what others do or say personally / Be more optimistic / Forgive someone / Be more positive / Be more forgiving / Stop being jealous of others / Get married and stay married / Find inner peace / Find peace with myself / Find true happiness / Reconnect with someone I lost contact with / Find peace / Find happiness / Celebrate Thanksgiving / Find my muse / Stop being so self-destructive / Be more calm / Try being happy whatever happens / Be more loving / Stop judging people / Watch Shawshank Redemption / Be more tolerant / Write a family mission statement / Find peace of mind / Forgive My Enemies / Read Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner / 🙂 Maintain a positive attitude / Spend a month being consciously more patient with everyone / Celebrate Aidilfitri MALAYSIA / Reconcile with my parents / Practice forgiveness and letting go of grudges / Write to a prison inmate / Attend the Day of Reconciliation celebrations SOUTH AFRICA / Reconcile with first love / Write a 100 things I like about my wife / Become closer with God / Reconcile with my family / Learn Pratikraman / Be In A Long Relationship / Reconcile differences with past friends / Attend a Yom Kippur service and fast /