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🧺 Go on a picnic / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🗣 Learn Spanish / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🎳 Go bowling / 🧺 Have a picnic / 🙏 Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for / 🎲 Host a board games night / Throw a party / Learn to shuffle cards properly / 🧺 Have a picnic in the park / Have a yard sale / Host a tea party / 🎢 Go to an amusement park / Have a board game night / Have a tea party / Buy a Magic 8 Ball and base all my decisions on it for a whole day / Entertain the elderly at a nursing home / Go to the circus / 🧺 Have a picnic in a park / Picnic in the park / Learn how to shuffle cards properly / Visit an amusement park / Play hide and seek in IKEA / Pick 3 things to start and finish on / Host a New Years Eve dinner party at home / Make a list of 100 things about me / Have a picnic on the beach / 🍗 Go to the renaissance festival / Host a games night with friends (board or video) / Make 5 things from / Have a picinc / Have a fondue party / Finish a Sudoku book / Play a slot machine / 🤔 Go to trivia night at a bar / Have a picnic in the park with friends / Finish a book of sudoku puzzles / 💦 Have a water balloon fight / 🥏 Play frisbee / Play laser tag / Host a house party / Make a baby laugh / Complete a crossword book / Throw an ugly sweater party / Have a water fight / Have a Halloween party / 👕 Host an ugly Christmas sweater party / Plan a family reunion / Host a costume party / Hold a costume party / Picnic at the beach / Get an iPod Touch / Throw a house party / Go to Luna Park / Play darts / Attend the State Fair of Texas TEXAS / Go on a picnic to Vondelpark NETHERLANDS / 🖍️ Play with sidewalk chalk / 🌭 Host a barbecue with friends / 👫 Have a tech-free date together / Attend the Hamburger Dom in Hamburg GERMANY / Go to the Iowa State Fair IOWA / Have a picnic on the lawns around Ottawa River CANADA / Go to the Ohio State Fair UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Throw a garden party / Host a Eurovision party / Spend a day at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk CALIFORNIA / 🥏 Play with a Frisbee / 📚 Pick a random book off a library shelf and read it / Go to the Arizona State Fair / Find a new sport to follow / Host a pool party / Visit Knoebels Amusement Resort in Elysburg PENNSYLVANIA / Learn to shuffle cards / Go to the strawberry festival / 🎄 Celebrate Christmas with my family / Host a couples game night / Have a picnic in all four seasons / Throw a New Year's Eve Party / Go to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk CALIFORNIA / Visit the Musee Mecanique CALIFORNIA / Organize a family-friendly Thanksgiving scavenger hunt / Picnic at the seaside park at Liepāja LATVIA / Attend a trivia night at a local bar / Attend a street fair / Visit Chess Museum Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / Attend the South Carolina State Fair SOUTH CAROLINA / Hit A Pinata / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Attend the Tulsa State Fair OKLAHOMA / Relive a childhood activity / Go to the Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival LOUISIANA / Attend West Side Nut Club Fall Festival INDIANA / Catch a game at the Chesapeake Energy Arena OKLAHOMA / Attend the Tanana Valley State Fair ALASKA / Attend the Arkansas State Fair ARKANSAS / Attend the Marshfield Fair MASSACHUSETTS / Attend the Neshoba County Fair MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Summer Camp Music Festival ILLINOIS / See the Pan Pacific Masters Games AUSTRALIA / Catch a local game of volleyball MICRONESIA / Visit Playland Amusement Park CANADA / Visit the Pacific Pinball Museum CALIFORNIA / Picnic at a park at Brandenburg GERMANY /