1. I was born.
2. Learnt how to ride a horse.
3. Learnt how to ride a bike.
4.Lerant how to ride a car.
5. Learnt how to skate.
6. Finished primary school.
7 Finished high school on dean's list.
8. I was accepted to vet school.
9.I acheived aknowledgements for my drawings.
10. i won over 10 conpetitions in writing esseys.
11. I won a silver "medal" in math.
12. I acheived a silver dolphin in my swiming abillities.
13.I kicked the shit out of a boy in my kindergarten group and he was hospitalized for ingvinal hernia.
14. i leanrt english.
15. I learnt Ljubljanščina.
16. I learnt spanish.
17. I learnt to play guitar.
18.I learnt to sing solo.
19. I sang in choir.
20. I work at theatre for modern dance.
21. I worked with vet for 8 years.
22. I passed pathophysiology in first try.
23. I survived my childhood.
24. I quit smoking.
25. I quit clubbing.
26. I've been to USA.
27. I know how to ski.
28. i know how to dance.
29. I know gymnastics.
30. I was always the first on running
60 or 100m.
2. Learnt how to ride a horse.
3. Learnt how to ride a bike.
4.Lerant how to ride a car.
5. Learnt how to skate.
6. Finished primary school.
7 Finished high school on dean's list.
8. I was accepted to vet school.
9.I acheived aknowledgements for my drawings.
10. i won over 10 conpetitions in writing esseys.
11. I won a silver "medal" in math.
12. I acheived a silver dolphin in my swiming abillities.
13.I kicked the shit out of a boy in my kindergarten group and he was hospitalized for ingvinal hernia.
14. i leanrt english.
15. I learnt Ljubljanščina.
16. I learnt spanish.
17. I learnt to play guitar.
18.I learnt to sing solo.
19. I sang in choir.
20. I work at theatre for modern dance.
21. I worked with vet for 8 years.
22. I passed pathophysiology in first try.
23. I survived my childhood.
24. I quit smoking.
25. I quit clubbing.
26. I've been to USA.
27. I know how to ski.
28. i know how to dance.
29. I know gymnastics.
30. I was always the first on running
60 or 100m.

Posted 13 years ago