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Amelia O'Hara
I'm Amelia. I live in a tiny village in Ireland and I have recently started to climb out of a horrid depression for the first time without medication. I'm very nervous about being back in the world and I hope making some goals will help me to keep going out through my front door instead of locking it and hiding away. I wasn't always like this and I miss the old Amelia. So hopefully this list will help me find her.
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99 thousand. eek almost at 100k then the task really begins
98 thousand. Another 2 thousand and ill be at 100k. Gunna have ti up my game to get to 1 million in time
Up to 97 thousand. eek. Excited to get to 100k that would be great!
up to 93 thousand today. Hooray. Someone likes what I wear. What a great incentive to get dressed
Currently at 89 thousand. This will hopefully give me an incentive to get dressed properly and to actually put some thought into what I am going to wear
I read The Fault In Our Stars in one day. I took it to work and it was a very quiet evening so I had plenty of time to read. It was a sad story but it didn't affect me the way it seems to have many others. Is that strange? Am I heartless? Perhaps I am still a bit emotionally numb.
January - So far I have read The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Fault in Our Stars and The Tortoise and the Hare. I think I am going to do well at this goal.
Two years of being indoors. There is a reason I have not attached any pictures of myself. I think the main task here will actually be finding a beauty parlour though. I'm pretty sure The Back End Of Nowhere doesn't have such a thing.
Most of my wardrobe consists of jogging bottoms and plain white (now grey) t-shirts. These must go so that I have no choice but to get properly dressed everyday. Seriously I spent too much time laying around in them. I could wear them for days without washing. I'm not proud.
Be at one with nature. Why not!
If I can find some in Ireland. I might need to venture quite far for it. The back end of nowhere (that would be the village I live in) doesn't do anything too exciting with food.
There is someone that I love dearly and have failed to tell him. If I can just get my confidence back perhaps I will say those words
A polar bear swim in the Irish Sea. Sure what better way to get your heart pumping on a January morning
During a spectacular meltdown about a year and a half ago I cut off all my hair. It was wonderfully dramatic but unfortunately no one was there to see it. Or stop me. So now I want to grow my hair super long. No particular reason. I just do.
I have been practically living in my bedroom for a few years now. Needless to say it is very cluttered
This will be daunting because. . . people. People everywhere!
Basically I have a belly that I don't want. Time to get rid.
I live near the sea and never go into it. I see people doing all kinds of water sports and I want in on it. Must learn to swim first though. . .
I was an Irish Dancer until my depression took my confidence. I want it back! I WILL get back on stage.
This is something I want to do in order to complete another goal, learning to bodyboard