12. I am ambitious.
13. I am an AWESOME mom.
14. I am honest about how things are going in my life, with my friends.
15. I have really pretty hands and nailbeds.
16. I set a goal to study abroad for one year and I DID it.
17. I am creative.
18. I have an eye for details.
19. I let my friends know how important they are to me.
20. I am learning to let myself accept my imperfections.
21. I still understand a lot of spanish.
22. I genuinely want others to succeed.
23. I have a little freckle on the top of my right foot between my littlest toe and my second littlest toe that I love.
24. I had a water birth VBAC even though it was initally a really scary idea to attempt one. But I educated myself and worked through my fears, with Jeremy, and I did it. One of the best days of my life.
25. I constantly seek to better myself.
26. I encourage myself and repeat positive affirmations.
27. I believe in the Law of Attraction and the power of the universe.
28. I am a work in progress.
(less)12. I am ambitious.
13. I am an AWESOME mom.
14. I am honest about how things are going in my life, with my friends.
15. I have really pretty hands and nailbeds.
16. I set a goal to study abroad for one year and I DID it.
17. I am creative.
18. I have an eye for details.
19. I let my friends kno