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Make a list of 25 things I like about myself
Take the time to reflect on your accomplishments, strengths, and unique qualities to create a comprehensive list of 25 things you genuinely appreciate about yourself.
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Love It!
On 1,155 lists and 143 people have done it.
1. I'm loyal
2. I'm a good communicator
3. I'm caring
4. My crow's feet that are starting to show up
5. I'm becoming my own person
6. I'm strong
7. I'm open to growth
8. I'm genuine
9. I delight in humanity
10. I can be fierce
11. I'm funny
12. I'm sturdy
13. I embrace a certain amount a chaos
14. I'm learning
15. I am open-minded
16. I am able to reinvent myself
17. I do my best to do right by all those around me
18. I listen
19. I'm complex
20. I've survived
21. I am strongly, profoundly committed to my recovery from trauma and everything else I struggle with
22. I am authentic
23. I forgive easily and don’t hold grudges
24. I take responsibility for my own actions
25. I am willing to atone
1. Self motivated
1. My eye lashes
2. Being outspoken
3. My determination
4. My compassion
1. I'm not afraid of a challenge.
2. I'm empathetic and can almost always relate to others and what they're going through.
3. I am a lifelong student.
4. My sense of humour is a mix of blatant immaturity and satirical brilliance.
5. I've lived on 3 continents and visited 5.
6. I can name every country in the world.
7. I've perfected my own creamy tomato bacon pasta sauce comfort recipe.
8. I have an excellent eye for detail.
9. Every year my personal library grows by 5-10 books.
10. I identify as a raging feminist.
1. My hair color.
2. I am health-conscious.
3. I am considerate towards other people.
4. I am helpful.
5. My eyesight (never needed glasses).
6. My teeth are straight (never needed braces).
7. I am willing to try new things.
8. I am able to admit when I am wrong.
9. I appreciate art and creativity.
10. I love animals and nature.
11. I have good writing skills.
12. I am thoughtful.
13. I strive for self-improvement.
14. I am peaceful and kind.
15. My curiosity.
16. I am analytical.
17. I value a tidy and clean home / environment.
18. I learn from my mistakes.
19. I am understanding and willing to hear both sides.
20. I am trustworthy.
21. I am punctual.
22. I value minimalism.
23. I believe in equality and fairness.
24. I am cooperative.
25. I am detail-oriented.
1. I have a great family who I love dearly
2. I am a good nurse
3. I have great work ethic
4. I like to develop my team
5. I'm good a problem solving
6. I am polite and courteous
7. I'm resourceful
8. I like my nose
9. I like quiet reflection
10. I'm good with my finances
11. I have overcome great personal challenges
12. I love my dogs
13. I have had a good education and am knowledgeable
14. I like to learn
15. I considerate of others
16. I have an open door
17. I am generous
18. I like my own company
19. I like helping others
20. I'm really tall
21. I'm empathetic
22. I like reading
23. I care above my surroundings
24. I like running
25. I'm helpful
1. I'm empathetic

2. I love animals

3. I'm nice to everybody (including those who are not nice to me)

4. I'm vegan

5. I'm straight edge

6. My eyesight

7. My ability to budget

8. Fast learner

9. I know that money isn't everything

10. Love to read

11. My ability to remember numbers

12. Everything has to be organised

13. I have manners

14. My imagination

15. I don't follow fast fashion

16. I'm honest

17. I recycle

18. I care about the planet

19. I’m not mesmerized by bigger/newer/better

20. Minimalism

21. My love of learning new things

22. I can be fun or have a good time without drinking a drop of alcohol

23. I'm not a picky eater and

24. I'm nice to everyone

25. My eyes are a gorgeous colour
Wow, writing this list was challenging because I haven’t always liked myself but it was worth working on because it really helped to boost my confidence. I realised that one thing I like about myself is how I compliment and support others and I need to do that for myself more often!

1. I am caring and do my best to help people.

2. I am passionate.

3. I have a variety of hobbies and interests.

4. I am ambitious.

5. I am hardworking.

6. I am a loving aunt to my nephew.

7. I love animals and have rescued several.

8. I am creative.

9. I have overcome obstacles in life.

10. I love learning.

11. I try to be positive when possible and motivate others.

12. I am humble, willing to compromise and apologise if I make mistakes.

13. I am easy going and get on with anyone if they get on with me, I avoid drama.

14. I am loyal to my loved ones.

15. I am innovative.

16. I am good at reading.

17. I am a team player.

18. I am not superficial or judgemental.

19. I recognise and compliment other people’s strengths.

20. I am committed to self improvement and ongoingly work on myself.

21. I have nice eyes.

22. I have wavy hair.

23. I have a curvy figure.

24. I care about our environment and work to minimise my impact on it.

25. I support good causes through donating, fundraising and volunteering.

1. my eyes
2. my body
3. my intellectual curiosity
4. my trivia knowledge
5. my fast learning
6. my crafts abilities, and sewing
7. my height
8. my resilience
9. my practical good sense
10. my sense of justice
11. my cool-headedness
12. my ability to call for help
13. my adaptability
14. my ability to get out of my comfort zone
15. my organizational skills, even for big projects
16. my critical and independant thinking
17. my ability to learn and self-discover
18. my relationship with Romain
19. my ability to know my limits
20. my connexion with the woods
21. my puzzle solving skills
22. my minimalism and feminism
23. my ability to like being alone
24. my sense of esthetics
25. my atypical past
1. My smile
2. My sense of humour
3. My eyes
4. My kindness
5. My hands
6. My calmness
7. My laugh
8. My ability to listen to others
9. My lips
10. My hair colour
11. My patience
12. My love of animals
13. My strength
1. Kind

2. Passionate

3. Loving

4. Intelligent

5. Ambitious

6. Hard working

7. Caring

8. Patient

9. Selfless

10. Strong

11. Loves music

12. Good at journalism

13. Creative

14. Bold

15. Giving

16. Generous

17. Kind friend

18. Level-headed

19. Leader

20. Flute player

21. Goal setter and achiever

22. Quiet, but a (...more)
Went well over 25 when I wrote it all down! Now I'm going to print it out and look at it whenever I'm feeling down.
1. the way of asking questions

2. essential oils and herbal world

3. aesthetic feeling (interior)

4. gift to create coziness - nice lights, candles,

5. helping strangers on the streets whenever possible

6. findings friends in strange places - on streets, in buses, in grapefiels, forests
1. I am intelligent.

2. I am free spirited.

3. I truly care about people.

4. I love animals.

5. I have a beautiful face.

6. I have a perfectly curvy body.

7. I am strong mentally and physically.


















1 - My hair.

2 - My nose.

3 - My legs.

4 - My creativity.

5 - My intuition.

6 - My artistics skills.

7 - I'm easy to live with.

8 - I like my job.

9 - I'm tall.

10 - I learn things fast.

11 - I'm fun.

12 - But i'm calm.

13 - I like to help people.

14 - I'm a empathic person.

15 - I make a good coffee.

16 - And cake.

17 - I have a very good past.

18 - I have a lovely family.

19 - I have some street skills.

20 - I choose the good friends to be close.

21 - I have a super dog.

22 - I know how to sing.

23 - My caligraphy is pretty.

24 - I have a confortable life.

25 - I like my energy.
1. My eyes.

2. My height.

3. My kind heart.

4. My love for learning.

5. My love for God.

6. My smile.

7. My love for my kids.

8. My love for my close friends.

















I am loyal, intelligent, compassionate, prioritize friends/family. I've made peace with my bipolar depression and am learning to live with the highs and the lows. I'm brave enough to try new things, even when they are (way) outside my comfort zone.
1 My eyebrows

2 my eyes

3 my lips

4 my hair

5 my long neck

6 my posture,

7 my dragon bone (clavicular rib, though sometimes I also hate it lol)

8 the arches of my feet

9 my ability to be awesome at trivia games

10 my lust for learning

11 how quickly I can read

12 my hourglass shape

13 my cleft chin

14 my ability to be a good friend

15 my intelligence

16 that I care more about having fun than winning

17 my loyalty

18 I'm always on time

19 my ability to keep doing art no matter what people say

20 my cooking

21 my sense of humour

22 my respect for others

23 my eclectic taste in music

24 my dancing

25 my ability to readjust my thinking based on better information
1. My eyes - they are an unusual color of light blue

2. I am an optimistic-realist - I realistically look for the bright side of things

3. I love school - makes going to college easier

4. I am organized

5. I drive safely

6. My legs are strong

7. I can cook

8. I'm a tomboy and I never grew out of catching bugs

9. I can get just about any seed to sprout

10. I don't have to wash my hair every day

11. I can face the world just fine without makeup

12. I'm a pretty good mom

13. If I don't know how to fix something, I'll look it up

14. I'm not afraid to go do something by myself, like go to a movie

15. My hands

16. My wicked typing skills

17. I'm friendly

18. My music tastes are very eclectic

19. I'm willing to try just about anything once

20. I'm a genuine person

21. I played the cello

22. I'm a quick learner

23. I may carry extra weight but I'm pretty flexible

24. My health is pretty good!

25. I'm aging gracefully - on average people guess I'm 10 years younger than what I am
1. My handwriting

2. I'm assertive, but not an asshole

3. My fashion sense

4. The effort I've put in and how I've become mentally healthy (or at least pretty much. At least, more than I was.)

5. My intellect

6. I'm an avid journaler

7. I'm damn good at art

8. I'm good with people, esp. at the library

9. I frequently win at cribbage

10. I write well

11. I have pretty eyes

12. There are a handful of dishes I cook really well

13. I named my dog Lemon

14. My substance freedom

15. My extensive knowledge of Dylan

16. My love of beat poetry

17. I've traveled a lot and lived abroad

18. I've lost a lot of weight and wear a size 18!

19. The way my apartment reflects my personality

20. My stash o' blank cards and letter-writing habit

21. My time on the GMBA committee

22. The way I don't feel afraid anymore, at least not like I did

23. I handmake Christmas presents

24. I've read Dickens extensively

25. I've started managing to save some money, and have quite a bit in the bank.
25 things I like about myself.
12. I am ambitious.

13. I am an AWESOME mom.

14. I am honest about how things are going in my life, with my friends.

15. I have really pretty hands and nailbeds.

16. I set a goal to study abroad for one year and I DID it.

17. I am creative.

18. I have an eye for details.

19. I let my friends know how important they are to me.

20. I am learning to let myself accept my imperfections.

21. I still understand a lot of spanish.

22. I genuinely want others to succeed.

23. I have a little freckle on the top of my right foot between my littlest toe and my second littlest toe that I love.

24. I had a water birth VBAC even though it was initally a really scary idea to attempt one. But I educated myself and worked through my fears, with Jeremy, and I did it. One of the best days of my life.

25. I constantly seek to better myself.

26. I encourage myself and repeat positive affirmations.

27. I believe in the Law of Attraction and the power of the universe.

28. I am a work in progress.

1. My height

2. My smile

3. My easy-going attitude

4. My ability to adapt

5. My intelligence

6. My ability to speak Spanish and pick up other languages

7. My friendliness

8. I am well-traveled

9. I am culturally-sensitive

10. My eagerness to improve myself

11. I always mean well

12. I am a loving husband

13. I am open-minded

14. My eagerness to learn new things

15. My current fitness level -- and desire to improve it

16. My love for animals

17. I donate to charity

18. My punctuality

19. My photography skills

20. I have standards

21. I have little problem asking for help

22. I am balanced

23. Generally athletic

24. I have the ability to do anything I set my mind to

25. My patience
1. My eyes

2. My hair

3. My dancing style

4. My teaching style

5. My growing self control

6. My determination

7. My willingness to try

8. My positive attitude

9. That I try to take everything into consideration

10. That I like to read

11. That I am strange

12. That I can empathize

13. That I can make friends with kids

14. That I am trying to get out of my shell

15. That I am chasing my dreams

16. That I like sprakleing things and bright things

17. I can cook

18. I can bake

19. i hve great taste in music

20. I volunteer and love it

21. I can create things

22. I love giving gifts

23. I can do things consistantly if I really try

24. I am not organized

25. I am beautiful
1. I'm intelligent

2. I have a sophisticated sense of humour

3. Computers are second nature to me

4. I am pretty good at drawing

5. I have a good sense of design fundamentals

6. I almost never drink to excess

7. I am brimming with creativity

8. People count on me to take great photos

9. I learn very quickly

10. I often understand concepts others don't

11. I'm good at making pizza

12. I know myself

13. I'm comfortable in my own skin

14. I frequently challenge myself, whether I like it or not

15. I have been philosophical since I was a child

16. I'm excellent at spelling

17. I don't have huge boobs (that's a good thing)

18. I'm not afraid to be a geek

19. I roll with the punches remarkably well

20. I'm a good and loving mother to my cat

21. I'm a great animator

22. I have great eyebrows

23. I'm a pacifist

24. I care about others

25. I'm the best aunt!
Start these list at 21.12.12.

01. I'm empathic.

02. I'm helpfull.

03. I'm talented to settle a dispute.

04. I'm a good driver.

05. I have good logical reasonig skills.

06. I'm outgoing and sociable.

07. I respect other people and consider off them and their feelings.

08. I'm eloquent.

09. I´ve a s (...more)
1. Labai myliu savo draugus.

2. Mėgstu pakvailioti.

3. Išlaikau paslaptis.

4. Moku išklausyti.

5. Galiu protingai patarti.

6. Mano gražios akys.

7. Kai užsispyriu, galiu padaryti bet ką.

8. Man rūpi kitų jausmai.

9. Mano gražūs plaukai.

10. Esu gan darbšti.

11. Įsijaučiu į kito žmogaus jausmus, pasakojimus.

12. Skaniai gaminu.

13. Į savo namus atnešu įdomių idėjų.

14. Skatinu mamą(ir kitus žmones) tikėti savimi, nepasiduoti.

15. Esu organizuota.

16. Laikausi duotų pažadų.

17. Esu protinga.

18. Esu linksma.

19. Neskaudinu kitų, nes žinau kaip tai skaudu.

20. Esu draugiška.

21. Esu atsakinga.

22. Esu tolerantiška.

23. Esu nesavanaudiška.

24. Mėgstu dovanoti dovanas.

25. Esu kitokia, turiu įdomių pomėgių.

1. Ich bemühe mich, mich persönlich weiter zu entwickeln, erkenne meine eigenen Fehler und arbeite an ihnen

2. Ich bin verständnisvoll

3. Ich bin großzügig

4. Ich kann die kleinen Dinge des Lebens genießen und dankbar für sie sein

5. Ich bin tierlieb und ich esse kein Fleisch

6. Ich bin loyal

7. Ich bin vertrauenswürdig

8. Ich bin abenteuerlustig

9. Ich kann sehr temperamentvoll sein

10. Ich bin leicht begeisterungsfähig

11. Ich glaube an Gleichberechtigung

12. Ich bemühe mich, unvoreingenommen zu sein

13. Ich glaube fest an das Gute im Menschen

14. Ich kann sehr ehrgeizig sein

15. Ich mag es, dass ich meine Augenbrauen kaum zupfen muss und sie trotzdem schön geformt sind

16. Ich kann gut mit Nagellack umgehen

17. Ich bin bereit, für die Dinge, an die ich glaube, Opfer zu bringen

18. Ich habe ein starkes persönliches Wertesystem

19. Ich bin kein Mitläufer

20. Ich bin ehrlich zu mir selbst

21. Ich kann gut um die Ecke denken und Situationen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachten

22. Ich bin fantasiereich

23. Ich mag meine weiche Haut

24. Ich kann mir neue Fähigkeiten gut selbst aneignen

25. Ich bin spirituell interessiert

1. I am trustworthy.

2. I am loyal.

3. I am smart.

4. I have good collarbones.

5. I have a genuine smile.

6. I am goal-oriented.

7. I have a good sense of humor.

8. My body makes amazing, strong, healthy babies.

9. I like to try new things.

10. I am adventurous.

11. I am a good writer and communicator.

1. I am compassionate

2. I am determined

3. I can be happy with not being number one

4. My hair straightens and curls

5. I am understanding and working on my faults

6. I'm quite good on computers

7. I am good at my job

8. I'm pretty slim

9. I am fairly healthy

10. I know the value of a good book

11. I know that money isn't everything

12. I don't splurge

13. I'm willing to give things a go

14. My shoulder freckles

15. My boobs don't fall into my armpits

16. I feel at home in nature and in the city

17. I'm grateful

18. I know how to take care of myself

19. I'm willing to learn

20. I get on well with my parents

21. I look young for my age (Will be good when I'm older)

22. My hazel eyes

23. I am comfortable with being who I am and liking what I do.

24. I can ask for help when I need it

25. I'm learning to open up and not hold back
VERY difficult, but done:)
1. That I try to be a nice person 2 .that I love my kids 3. that I love to read. 4, that I try to always think of others, 5.
1. my hair
2. my style
3. how I can help friends feel better
4. my intelligence
5. how I love unconditionally
6. my addiction to flip flops
7. my singing voice
8. my kindness
9. my patience
10. my want to help people
11. the way I dance
12. my love for life
13. my self-control
14. the way I laugh
15. m (...more)
1. My eyes
2. My hair
3. My dancing style
4. My teaching style
5. My growing self control
6. My determination
7. My willingness to try
8. My positive attitude
9. That I try to take everything into consideration
10. That I like to read
11. That I am strange
09/08/10- I have come up with 7.
I've started this - 3 things! Can't think of anything else but I have 1001 days.
Stubborn as hell when i need to be.
I know how to take care of myself.
I am able to conquer my fears.
Wahoo! I jut managed to write a list of 25 things I like about my self! It was hard, but I realised how bloody amazing I am! LOLOL! 😃
1. I'm grateful.
2. I'm easy to talk to.
3. I'm sporty.
4. I love animals.
5. I like my studies.
6. I know how to take care of myself.
7. I'm an easy learner.
8. I'm knowledgeable about medicine.
9. I know how to ride a horse.
10. I enjoy my own company.
11. I love to dance.
12. I like to help others.
13. I love to read.
14. I'm caring.
15. I like to sing.
16. I enjoy playing guitar.
17. I'm simple.
18. I like to hang out with just about anyone. I'm not sexist,rasist or anything like it.
19. I enjoy driving my car.
20.I like to smile.
21. i love my hair.
21. I like my style.
22. I love to try out new things.
23. I like my way of doing things.
24. I like my body type.
25. I like my flexibility.