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🤔 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" / 📔 Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find / 🤐 Don't complain about anything for a week / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / 🤐 Don't say anything negative for one day / 🤐 Don't swear for a week / 💰 Put change in someone's expired parking meter / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 💰 Leave a 100% tip / Donate money to charity / 🤗 Make a list of 25 things I like about myself / 💕 Write 5 letters to 5 people who changed my life / 👫 Make a list of what I'm looking for / what is important to me in a relationship / Do a random act of kindness for a stranger / 😊 Compliment someone everyday for 10 days straight / 🕺 Dance with someone in the rain / 👧🏼 Write a children's book / 👍 Say yes to everything for a day / 💯 Compliment someone every day for a week / 👋🏼 Pay for someone else's food behind me at the drive-thru / Send a card or flowers to someone going through a tough time / Help raise money for a cause that will not benefit me in any way / Perform 5 random acts of kindness / Do 10 nice things for people without telling them / 🤗 Wear a free hugs sign for a day / Write a list of things that each person in my life has taught me / Become a bone marrow donor / Go a whole day without swearing / Donate to charity / Write a letter to three people who have made a difference in my life / Volunteer for a charity / Make a list of my 50 most favorite quotes / Volunteer at a homeless shelter / Donate $5 to charity for each task I don't complete / Pay for the person behind me at a drive-thru / 👋🏼 Have a conversation with a complete stranger / Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter / 🤐 Don't say anything negative for three days / Do 10 random acts of kindness / Make a list of my 25 best qualities / Perform a totally random act of kindness / Smile at everyone I see for an entire day / Randomly pay for someone in line behind me / Leave an inspirational note for someone to find / Buy a homeless person a meal / Do something for charity / 🤝 Help a friend obtain a goal / 🤐 Go a whole day without saying anything negative / Strike up a conversation with a stranger / Help someone else complete one of their goals / Compliment someone I don't know / Make 3 new friends / Talk to a homeless person and have a “normal” conversation / Pick 5 people who have changed my life and write each of them a letter / Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved / Write a love letter to my boyfriend / Write to a Death Row inmate / 😊 Be kind to someone who does not like me / Do not complain for a week / Leave an inspirational note in a book for someone to find / Give a homeless person food / Make a list of things I like about myself / Donate an entire paycheck / Make a list of 100 things about me / Identify 101 things that make me happy / Write a love poem / Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes / Answer at least one of the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" every week / Identify 100 things that make me unique / Do 5 random acts of kindness / Do the 40 hour famine / Write a letter to my future children / Write a letter to someone who changed my life / 💭 Inspire someone else to make their own list / Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone / Make a list of friends to keep in touch with regularly / Make a list of things that I like about myself / 🌙 Stay up all night talking / Rekindle an old friendship / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / Pay for someone's order behind me in line / Say 'yes' to everything for a day / Get a girlfriend / Send anonymous flowers to someone who is having a tough day / Participate in the 100 Strangers photo challenge / List 100 things that make me happy / Volunteer at a food bank / Share my umbrella with a stranger on a rainy day / Say yes to everything for a week / Find out the favorite book of someone completely different from me, and read it / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / Go people watching for a day / Pay for the person behind me at Starbucks / Make two new friends / Compliment 5 strangers / List 100 things I like about myself / Hold a door open for a stranger / Compliment someone everyday for a week / Be a better friend / Compliment 10 strangers / Do a good deed for a stranger / Go to the Holocaust Museum / Donate $100 to a charity / Be more social / Write a children's story / Help someone carry their bags to their car at the grocery store / Make a list of 101 things I'm thankful for / Give my umbrella to a stranger on a rainy day / Say yes to everything for an entire day / Make a new best friend / Reconnect with a long lost friend / Give a compliment a day for a year / Don't complain about anything for a month / Visit the Holocaust Museum / Fall in love again / Make a list of 101 things I love / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / Make peace with people whose friendships with me ended badly / Buy flowers and hand them to strangers / Send in a postcard to PostSecret / Write a list of guidelines to live by / Volunteer at a hospice / Make a book of my favorite quotes / Become a Big Sister / Pay for the person behind me at the drive-thru / Compliment someone everyday for 30 days straight / Don't complain for a week / Pay for the person behind me in a drive thru / Perform 10 random acts of kindness / Read a book by someone I disagree with / Say "yes" to everything for a week / improve my relationship with my mom / Volunteer at a retirement home / Eat a meal blindfolded / Go to a Holocaust museum / Volunteer at the soup kitchen / Write a personal creed / Read a book out loud to someone else / Raise money for a charity / Buy coffee for a stranger / Compliment someone once a day for a month / Rekindle a lost friendship with an old friend / Don't say anything negative for a day / Learn not to take what others do or say personally / Keep a gratitude journal / Don't complain about anything for a day / Buy a drink for a stranger / Give a friend in need a care package / Help someone in need / Bring a meal to a homeless person / Donate an entire paycheck to a charity / Don't gossip for a week / Say yes to everything for a month / Buy a stranger something from their Amazon wishlist / Make a care package for someone / Make a list of 50 quotes that inspire me / Volunteer at a charity shop / Be more optimistic / Forgive someone / Join an internet dating site / Leave a 100% tip for a server / Say hello to ten strangers in one day / Be more positive / Stop swearing / Have a meaningful conversation with a stanger / Read a middle grade novel / Give a compliment to someone every day for a month / Stop comparing myself to other people / Find someone who really loves me / Give a stranger a compliment / Buy a stranger a cup of coffee / Start staying in better touch with people / Make a significant change in someones life / Read To Kill a Mocking Bird / Be more forgiving / Smile at strangers / Perform a random act of kindness / Volunteer at an orphanage / Pay homage to the victims of the Holocaust at Auschwitz POLAND / Visit a concentration camp / Write a letter to a friend / Find a new best friend / Stop being jealous of others / Be more open-minded / Don't complain about anything for one week / Do a random act of kindness / Be a mentor to someone / Be more patient / Be more outgoing / Stop talking about people behind their back / 🙏🏼 Visit the Holocaust museum in Richmond VIRGINIA / Get married and stay married / Be more open to new experiences / Volunteer as a family / Pick up a hitchhiker / Teach a child something I wish I knew at that age / Pay for the person behind me at a drive thru / Find true happiness / Befriend a stranger / Do 20 random acts of kindness / Stop gossiping! / Donate to charity every month for a year / Spend the day helping at a childrens hospital / Find peace / Find happiness / Stop complaining / Make a difference in someone's life / Volunteer in Cambodia / Write a letter to my favorite teacher / Engage with people from different backgrounds and learn from their experiences / Pay the bridge toll for the person behind you / Find a new friend / Practice a random act of kindness for a stranger / Be more friendly / Celebrate Human Rights Day SOUTH AFRICA / Find a girlfriend / Give money to charity every month / Celebrate Thanksgiving / Start a conversation with a stranger and learn something new about them / Read The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck / Hug 10 people in one day / Attend a motivational seminar / 🙏🏼 Write a letter to a woman who has inspired me and thank her for her contributions / Visit the Museum of Tolerance CALIFORNIA / Be more calm / Stop complaining for a week / Be more open / Try being happy whatever happens / Be more loving / Stop judging people / Volunteer at the hospital / Pay homage at the Killing Fields outside Phnom Penh CAMBODIA / Pay it forward in a drive through / Hug someone on National Hug Day / Be more giving to those in need / Be more sociable / Put change in someone's expired meter / Read Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson / Read The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers / Meet Barack Obama / Be more tolerant / Teach a dog a trick / Write a family mission statement / Make a list of 25 interesting words and add to my active vocabulary / Compliment a stranger everyday for a week / Live in Alaska / 🙂 Maintain a positive attitude / Hug someone I don't know / Forgive My Enemies / Give to a charity -- anonymously / Give a stranger a hug / Live homeless for a week / Learn to lip read / Donate $5 to charity for every task I don't complete / Volunteer at Port au Prince HAITI / Spend a month being consciously more patient with everyone / Make a list of 10 things I like about myself and stick it to my mirror / Coach a team / Help an old lady cross the street / 💰 Pay for the car behind me at the drive through window / 💸 Give an entire paycheck to charity / Volunteer for Girl Scouts / Visit the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Museum CHINA / Reconcile with my parents / Register as a blood/bone marrow doner / Write to a prison inmate / Clean out all my old clothes and donate them to someone in need / Improve my job interview technique / Pay for a child's Cleft lip surgery / Spend the day BLIND / Practice forgiveness and letting go of grudges / Visit the Kigali Memorial Centre RWANDA / Learn To Say Exactly What I Mean / Write a 100 things I like about my wife / Complete a 52 Weeks Of Gratitude Challenge / Develop a family mission statement / Sleep in a cardboard box / Learn to speak my mind / Stop complaining about doing things around the house / Visit the Ntarama Memorial Site RWANDA / Meet a Nobel Peace Prize Winner / Reconcile with first love / Make a list of my best and worst qualities / Stop complaining for an entire week / 📝 Write a letter to a stranger, leave it in a public place / Stop complaining for a month / Make a list of 25 things I like about myself and my life / Reconcile differences with past friends / Be more open to new ideas / Leave a tip greater than the bill / Visit the Kigali Memorial Site RWANDA / Give away my umbrella on a rainy day / Reconcile with my family / 👭 Start a community program that provides mentorship and support for teenage girls / Call a loved one / Write in a gratitude journal / Give a touching and inspirational speech / Say 'I love you' and mean it /