A goal of Greg Abrahams on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.

1. My height
2. My smile
3. My easy-going attitude
4. My ability to adapt
5. My intelligence
6. My ability to speak Spanish and pick up other languages
7. My friendliness
8. I am well-traveled
9. I am culturally-sensitive
10. My eagerness to improve myself
11. I always mean well
12. I am a loving husband
13. I am open-minded
14. My eagerness to learn new things
15. My current fitness level -- and desire to improve it
16. My love for animals
17. I donate to charity
18. My punctuality
19. My photography skills
20. I have standards
21. I have little problem asking for help
22. I am balanced
23. Generally athletic
24. I have the ability to do anything I set my mind to
25. My patience
Posted 11 years ago