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🤔 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🔍 Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia / 🤗 Make a list of 25 things I like about myself / 👧🏼 Write a children's book / 👍 Say yes to everything for a day / Visit a museum / Make a list of my 50 most favorite quotes / Buy a Magic 8 Ball and base all my decisions on it for a whole week / 👋🏼 Have a conversation with a complete stranger / Make a list of my 25 best qualities / Say yes to everything for one day / Say yes to everything for a day (within reason) / Go to a museum I have never visited before / Make a list of things I like about myself / Identify 101 things that make me happy / Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes / Answer at least one of the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" every week / Identify 100 things that make me unique / Make a list of things that I like about myself / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / Say 'yes' to everything for a day / Say yes to everything for a whole day / Participate in the 100 Strangers photo challenge / List 100 things that make me happy / Say yes to everything for a week / Go people watching for a day / List 100 things I like about myself / Write a children's story / Say yes to everything for an entire day / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / 🐇 Read Alice in Wonderland / Say "yes" to everything for a week / Look up something new on Wikipedia every day for a year / Hold a tarantula in my hand / Find something to be passionate about / Try something new / Look up a new word in the dictionary every day for a year / Say yes to everything for a month / Make a list of 50 quotes that inspire me / Have a meaningful conversation with a stanger / Be more adventurous / Find a new passion / Get lost in a maze / Be more open-minded / Be more creative / Be more open to new experiences / Teach a child something I wish I knew at that age / Meet the Mythbusters / Listen to a podcast on an unfamiliar topic / Find happiness / Start a conversation with a stranger and learn something new about them / Visit the Bigfoot Discovery Museum CALIFORNIA / Be more impulsive / Read an entire Encyclopedia / Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands / Visit CERN SWITZERLAND / Visit the Museum of Death LOS ANGELES / Watch every episode of QI / Live in Alaska / Find out everything you ever wanted to know about leprosy at Bergen's very cool Leprosy Museum NORWAY / Test drive a car I can't afford / Visit the Museum of the Paranormal in Niagara Falls CANADA / Visit the Museum of Everyday Life VERMONT / Visit the Museum of the Weird TEXAS / Visit the Museum of the Holy Souls in Purgatory ITALY / Say yes to everything for a weekend / Visit the San Francisco Exploratorium CALIFORNIA / Do something new every day for a year / Close my eyes and point to a place on the map and just travel to it / Visit Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium in Myrtle Beach SOUTH CAROLINA / Make a list of 25 things I like about myself and my life / Write a 100 things I like about my wife / Visit BodyWorlds / Go to a city I've never heard of before / Go to a dinner party and wow someone with the adventure stories of my life / Have an enlightening/ meaningful convo with someone I meet on a plane or train / Visit the Museum of Torture (Museo della Tortura) SAN MARINO / Be more open to new ideas / Explore a mirror maze / Visit the Museum of Jurassic Technology LOS ANGELES / Catch a caterpillar and watch it change into a butterfly /