1. I'm intelligent
2. I have a sophisticated sense of humour
3. Computers are second nature to me
4. I am pretty good at drawing
5. I have a good sense of design fundamentals
6. I almost never drink to excess
7. I am brimming with creativity
8. People count on me to take great photos
9. I learn very quickly
10. I often understand concepts others don't
11. I'm good at making pizza
12. I know myself
13. I'm comfortable in my own skin
14. I frequently challenge myself, whether I like it or not
15. I have been philosophical since I was a child
16. I'm excellent at spelling
17. I don't have huge boobs (that's a good thing)
18. I'm not afraid to be a geek
19. I roll with the punches remarkably well
20. I'm a good and loving mother to my cat
21. I'm a great animator
22. I have great eyebrows
23. I'm a pacifist
24. I care about others
25. I'm the best aunt!