1. Fractious- irritable
2. Dolorous- sorrowful
3. Epochal- momentous
4. Puerile- immature
5. Myopic- short-sighted
6. Axiom- self-evident truth
7. Nefarious- wicked
8. Vehement- passionate
9. Expedient- practical
10. Communicable- contagious
11. Brachypterous- short-winged
12. Beatitude- bliss
13. Aphasia- speechlessness
14. Abstentious- self-restraining
15. Pervious- penetrating
16. Sycophant- someone who fawns over another
17. Hydrous- watery
18. Covenant- agreement
19. Repugnance- loathing
20. Thaumaturgist- magician
21. Antithetical- opposite
22. Pyrosis- heartburn
23. Hubris- Excessive pride
24. Affectation- artifical manifestation
25. Funambulism- Tightrope walking
26. Avuncular- Kind and friendly towards a younger person. Of or relating to an uncle
27. Hirsute- hairy
28. Preternatural- beyond natural
29. Efface- rub or wipe out
30. Genuflect- Bend one knee to the ground
31. Intransigent- Unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something
32. Enervation- lack of vitality
33. Venal- motivated by susceptibility to bribery
34. Desultory- 1.Lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm. 2. (of conversation or speech) Going from one subject to another in a halfhearted way; unfocused
35. Ramify - To divide into branches.
36. Crepitate- Crackle and pop
37. Copacetic- in excellent order
38. Limned- Depict or describe in painting or words. Suffuse or highlight (something) with a bright color or light.
39. Inimical- Tending to obstruct or harm. Unfriendly; hostile.
40. Aquiline- like an eagle, e.g hooked nose
41. Leal- Faithful and true
42. Regolith- layer of earth etc over bedrock of a planet
43. Vituperative- bitter and abusive
44. Filial- of or due from a son or daughter
45. Rescind- Revoke
46. Avarice- Extreme greed for wealth or material gain
47. Perfervid- Intense and impassioned
48. Iniquity- Immoral or grossly unfair behaviour
49. Integument- A tough outer protective layer, esp. that of an animal or plant.
50. Ameliorate- Improve
51, Catholicity- The condition or quality of being catholic; breadth or inclusiveness. General application or acceptance; universality.
52. Sagacity- wisdom
53. Cogently- Appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; convincing
54. Alluvial- pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream
55. Tergiversate-make conflicting or evasive statements; equivocate. Change one's loyalties; abandon a belief or principle.
56. Anathematise- Curse, condemn
57. Execrable- Extremely bad or unpleasant
58. Stygian- Gloomy and dark, or of relating to River Styx
59. Ersatz- poor imitation, substitute
60. Mellifluous- pleasingly smooth and musical to hear
61. Equanimity-calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.
62. Vagaries- an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behaviour
63. Seditious- nciting or causing people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
64. Malodorous- smelling very unpleasant.
65. Veniremen- A person summoned for jury service
Posted 11 years ago