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On 6 lists.
1. Fractious- irritable

2. Dolorous- sorrowful

3. Epochal- momentous

4. Puerile- immature

5. Myopic- short-sighted

6. Axiom- self-evident truth

7. Nefarious- wicked

8. Vehement- passionate

9. Expedient- practical

10. Communicable- contagious

11. Brachypterous- short-winged

12. Beatitude- bliss

13. Aphasia- speechlessness

14. Abstentious- self-restraining

15. Pervious- penetrating

16. Sycophant- someone who fawns over another

17. Hydrous- watery

18. Covenant- agreement

19. Repugnance- loathing

20. Thaumaturgist- magician

21. Antithetical- opposite

22. Pyrosis- heartburn

23. Hubris- Excessive pride

24. Affectation- artifical manifestation

25. Funambulism- Tightrope walking

26. Avuncular- Kind and friendly towards a younger person. Of or relating to an uncle

27. Hirsute- hairy

28. Preternatural- beyond natural

29. Efface- rub or wipe out

30. Genuflect- Bend one knee to the ground

31. Intransigent- Unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something

32. Enervation- lack of vitality

33. Venal- motivated by susceptibility to bribery

34. Desultory- 1.Lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm. 2. (of conversation or speech) Going from one subject to another in a halfhearted way; unfocused

35. Ramify - To divide into branches.

36. Crepitate- Crackle and pop

37. Copacetic- in excellent order

38. Limned- Depict or describe in painting or words. Suffuse or highlight (something) with a bright color or light.

39. Inimical- Tending to obstruct or harm. Unfriendly; hostile.

40. Aquiline- like an eagle, e.g hooked nose

41. Leal- Faithful and true

42. Regolith- layer of earth etc over bedrock of a planet

43. Vituperative- bitter and abusive

44. Filial- of or due from a son or daughter

45. Rescind- Revoke

46. Avarice- Extreme greed for wealth or material gain

47. Perfervid- Intense and impassioned

48. Iniquity- Immoral or grossly unfair behaviour

49. Integument- A tough outer protective layer, esp. that of an animal or plant.

50. Ameliorate- Improve

51, Catholicity- The condition or quality of being catholic; breadth or inclusiveness. General application or acceptance; universality.

52. Sagacity- wisdom

53. Cogently- Appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; convincing

54. Alluvial- pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream

55. Tergiversate-make conflicting or evasive statements; equivocate. Change one's loyalties; abandon a belief or principle.

56. Anathematise- Curse, condemn

57. Execrable- Extremely bad or unpleasant

58. Stygian- Gloomy and dark, or of relating to River Styx

59. Ersatz- poor imitation, substitute

60. Mellifluous- pleasingly smooth and musical to hear

61. Equanimity-calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.

62. Vagaries- an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behaviour

63. Seditious- nciting or causing people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

64. Malodorous- smelling very unpleasant.

65. Veniremen- A person summoned for jury service


1. pertinacious (adj.) adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design

2. eructation (n) an act or instance of belching

3. numen (n): a spiritual force or influence often identified with a natural object, phenomenon, or place

4. sederunt (n): a prolonged sitting (as for discussion)

5. hortative (adj): giving exhortation : serving to advise or warn

6. scumble (v): to make (as color or a painting) less brilliant by covering with a thin coat of opaque or semiopaque color applied with a nearly dry brush

7. campestral (adj): of or relating to fields or open country : rural

8. nobby (adj): cleverly stylish

9. hagiography (n): biography of saints or venerated persons

10. quadrate (adj): being square or approximately square

11. commensal (adj): of or relating to those who habitually eat together

12. algid (adj): cold

13. glogg (n): a hot spiced wine and liquor punch served at the holidays in Scandinavian countries

14. donnybrook (n): free-for-all; brawl

15. heliacal (adj): relating to or near the sun — used especially of the last setting of a star before and its first rising after invisibility due to conjunction with the sun's rising and setting

16. quintessence (n): the essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form

17. ramify (v): to split up into branches or constituent parts

18. Apollonian (adj): harmonious, measured, ordered, or balanced in character

19. realia (n): objects or activities used to relate classroom teaching to the real life especially of peoples studied

20. taradiddle (n): a trivial or childish lie : fib

21. kanban (n): a manufacturing strategy wherein parts are produced or delivered only as needed

22. inchmeal (adv): gradually

23. vernissage (n): a private showing or preview of an art exhibition

24. traduce (v): to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation

25. balter (v): to dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment.

26. zarzuela (n): a usually comic Spanish operetta

27. fanfaronade (n): empty boasting; bluster

28. momothetic (adj): relating to, involving, or dealing with abstract, general, or universal statements or laws

29. mala fide (adj or adv): with or in bad faith

30. amortize (v): to pay off (as a mortgage) gradually usually by periodic payments of principal and interest or by payments to a sinking fund

31. eurytopic (adj): tolerant of wide variation in one or more environmental factors

32. sangfroid (n): self-possession or imperturbability especially under strain

33. factotum (n): a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities

34. métier (n): vocation, trade

35. froufrou (n): a rustling, especially of ladies' skirts

36. meretricious (adj): relating to prostitution

37. aegis (n): shield or breastplate

38. clamant (adj): clamourous, blatant

39. roseate (adj): resembling a rose, especially being pink in color; overly optimistic

40. idiopathic (adj): arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause; peculiar to the individual

41. clepsydra (n): an instrument designed to measure time by the fall or flow of a quantity of water : water clock

42. thimblerig (v): to cheat by trickery

43. doxology (n): a usually liturgical expression of praise to God

44. redbrick (adj): of, relating to, or being the British universities founded in the 19th or early 20th century

45. boulevardier (n): a frequenter of Paris's boulevards

46. provenience (n): origin, source

47. balneology (n): science of the therapeudic use of baths

48. fuliginous (adj): sooty, murky

49. flehmen (n): a mammalian behavior (as of horses or cats) in which the animal inhales with the mouth open and upper lip curled to facilitate exposure of the vomeronasal organ to a scent or pheromone

50. canorous (adj): pleasant sounding

51. riposte (n): retort

52. demotic (adj): common, popular

53. katzenjammer (n): hangover

54. gnomic (adj): characterized by aphorism

55. meritorious (adj): worthy of reward, gratitude, honor, or esteem

56. nepenthe (n): something capable of causing oblivion of grief or suffering

57. surd (adj): lacking sense : irrational

58. demulcent (adj): soothing

59. lamia (n): a female demon

60. ceorl (n): a freeman of the lowest rank in Anglo-Saxon England

61. exiguous (adj): excessively scanty : inadequate

62. berceuse (n): a musical composition usually in 6/8 time that resembles a lullaby

63. fustigate (v): to beat with or as if with a short heavy club

64. diseuse (n): a woman who is a skilled and usually professional reciter

65. decussate (v): to intersect or cross

66. styptic (adj): tending to stop bleeding

67.WYSIWYG (n): a display generated by word-processing or desktop-publishing software that exactly reflects the document as it would appear in its finished state (What you see is what you get)

68. tontine (n): a joint financial arrangement whereby the participants usually contribute equally to a prize that is awarded entirely to the participant who survives all the others

69. goldbrick (n): something that appears valuable but is actually worthless or a person who shirks assigned work

70. muliebrity (n): femininity

71. alameda (n): a public promenade bordered with trees

72. sui generis (adj): constituting a class alone : unique, peculiar

73. gymkhana (n): a meet featuring sports contests or athletic skills

74. millefleur (adj): having an allover pattern of small flowers and plants

75. hoise (v): lift, raise

76.chilblain (n): an inflammatory swelling or sore caused by exposure (as of the feet or hands) to cold

77. stichomythia (n):

dialogue especially of altercation or dispute delivered by two actors in alternating lines (as in classical Greek drama)

78. lenitive (adj): alleviating pain or harshness : soothing

79.risorgimento (n): the 19th century movement for Italian political unity

80. perfervid (adj): marked by overwrought or exaggerated emotion : excessively fervent

81. esplanade (n): a level open stretch of paved or grassy ground; especially : one designed for walking or driving along a shore

82. utile (adj): useful

83. ephebic (adj): of, relating to, or characteristic of a youth of ancient Greece or a young man

84. phalanx (n): a massed arrangement of persons, animals, or things

85. Eminence grise (n): a confidential agent; especially : one exercising unsuspected or unofficial power

86. fungible (adj): interchangeable or flexible

87. frisson (n): a brief moment of emotional excitement : shudder, thrill

88. pinchbeck (adj): counterfeit or spurious

89.boffin (n): a scientific expert

90. footle (v): to talk or act foolishly

91. depone (v): to assert under oath : testify

92. tourbillion (n): a whirlwind

93. orgulous (adj): proud, haughty

94. demogorgon (n): a mysterious spirit or deity often explained as a primeval creator god who antedates the gods of Greek mythology

95. prestidigitation (n): sleight of hand

96. coffle (n): a line of slaves or animals fastened together

97. waitron (n): a person who waits tables

98. tergiversation (n): evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement : equivocation

99. presage (v): to give an omen or warning of : foreshadow

100. malapert (adj): impudently bold : saucy