A goal of Courtney Harris on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.
1. Making people smile
2. Homemade lemonade (especially when shared)
3. Kitchen jam sessions
4. The ocean in every capacity
5. Cleaning dance parties
6. Settlers of Catan
7. Messy hands after painting
8. My puppy (who will always be a puppy to me)
9. Taking photos, especially with Holga
10. The cold side of a pillow
11. Sunflowers
12. Puns/Wordplay
13. Live shows
14. Trees (everything in my life seems to come back to them)
15. The rush of performance
16. BBQs
17. Surprise visitors
18. My Glockenspiel
19. Finding things on the beach
20. Bonfires
21. Shinerama
22. Buying unnecessary things at EOS
23. Breakfast for dinner
24. Prayer
25. Funny accents
26. Rhyming
27. TV marathons
28. Sitting by the dykes
29. East Coast bands
30. Clean bedrooms
31. Road trips
32. Musical climax (the calm after the storm)
33. Postsecrets
34. Musical theatre
35. SNL/MadTV
36. My family.
37. The sunrise/set
38. Lying on the pavement behind the school to watch the stars
39. ATC parties
40. Mix CD's
41. Stumbleupon
42. Remembering my dreams
43. Completing goals
44. Charles Bukowski and EE Cummings (my favourite poets)
45. Playing video games (even if I don't win)
46. Wishing at 11:11
47. Sharing/discovering awesome new music
48. Clean sheets
49. Watching Chuck/Glee
50. Cooking yummy things
51. Finding something you thought you'd lost
52. Completing to-do lists
53. Friendly competition
54. Being on the inside of a joke
55. Not getting dressed all day
56. Listening to songs on repeat
57. Inbflat.net
58. Freshly washed sheets
59. Singing harmonies
60. Curly hair
61. Still-warm baked goods
62. Meteor showers
63. My "Current Top 100" playlist
64. The Blue Day Book
65. Writing in my journal
66. Beach glass
67. Going to church
68. Warm blankets in a cold room
69. Getting A's
70. Stage Management
71. Beating boys in Mortal Kombat
72. Non-romantic dates
73. The smell of the Atlantic ocean.
74. Seeing a really great play.
75. Sunshowers
76. Good hair days
77. Fresh ginger
78. The tops of muffins
79. Playing the ukulele
80. The beginning of lilac-blossomming
81. Stranger smiles
82. Green Tea incense
83. Sewing, even though I'm terrible at it
84. The Black Market Boutique (in Halifax)
85. A really good yawn.
86. Checking things off a to-do list
87. Impromptu adventures
88. Soundscapes/techno-circles
89. Sociables
90. Being serenaded
91. Finding hidden cash when you are broke
92. The melody of a good storm
93. Sales racks and clearance tables
94. Cheesy 80's and 90's music.
95. Frenchy's shopping
96. Wering pretty scarves
97. My sketchbook
98. 'Love Actually'
99. Farmers' Markets
100. A hot, yummy pot of Earl Gray.
Posted 14 years ago