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Make a list of 100 things that make me happy
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On 524 lists and 66 people have done it.
2. Hugs

It doesn't matter how bad the day might be, there's little better in life than a hug, and especially if it's from your mum.
1. Cats.

The best thing about walking down your average residential street is the likelihood that I will be able to interrupt the conversation with the person I'm walking with (or the music I'm listening to) and stop to harass a kitty. Scientifically, stroking cats is supposed to be good f (...more)
Started on Friday 9 December
30. Sinking into a really comfortable bed...specifically Lindsey's bed when I have a girls weekend in Portland!

31. Getting a hand-written note in the mail.

32. Kind words.

33. Cheering on a friend.

34. Fruit on trees.

35. The smell of a rainstorm.

36. New car smell.

37. The smell of playdough.

18. "Putting up" food for the winter.

19. Fresh, in-season, soft, warm, dribbly peaches.

20. (...more)
14. The story of Regan's birth, which is really entertwined with Desmond's birth story.

15. The hint of fall in the air, when the wind starts rustling through the trees.

16. Playing a competitive tennis match.

17. Stitch and bitch with my girlfriends.

7. Keeping a commitment to myself.

8. Laying in bed, listening to the rain.

9. Laughing till I cry with my girlfriends.

10. Girls weekends in Portland.

11. Checking an item off my to-do list (or my dayzero list...)

12. Pumpkin spice lattes.

13. Playing "Well, I love you MORE than..." with Desmon (...more)
1. Taking a nap in the afternoon with the fan on and listening to some calming music.

2. Watching Regan on the rocking horse.

3. Jeremy's cologne.

4. Soft kissable cheeks on my babies.

5. Chubby baby legs and arms.

6. The first time I can smell spring coming after winter. The same kind of weat (...more)
1. Sleeping in
My sisters
My real friends
My mom
5. My pets
Inside jokes
Remembering something (...more)
I added cute boys, Nutella, people with nice smiles, and Tumblr to the list. Go figure.
4 a.m. laugh attacks at work
80's music
A beautiful sunrise/sunset
A cool breeze on a hot da (...more)
Completed October 19, 2010
1. Making people smile
2. Homemade lemonade (especially when shared)
3. Kitchen jam sessi (...more)