A goal of Meghan on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.
4 a.m. laugh attacks at work
80's music
A beautiful sunrise/sunset
A cool breeze on a hot day
Assembling something on my own (example: IKEA furniture)
Blue skies with puffy white clouds
Bubble wrap
Checking off something on my to-do list
Cigarette breaks
Comfortable silence
Coming home to Teddy Bear – he’s so excited to see me
Compliments – giving and receiving
Cotton candy
Country music
Down comforters
Drag Queens
Feeling good about myself
Finding quotes I love
Finishing a project
Fires in the fireplace
Forehead kisses
Fortune cookies
Freshly made bed with clean sheets
Funny movies
Getting lost in "his" eyes
Getting lost in the moment
Getting unexpected text messages
Girls night out
Good news
Good night’s sleep
Google – instant access to knowledge
Green lights all the way to wherever I’m going
Hand written letters, notes and cards
Happy endings
Having an “I am pretty” day
Having my hair played with
Having something to look forward to
Helping someone
Hot chocolate and cinnamon toast
Hugs from guy friends
Inside jokes
Jumping in puddles during a storm
Knowing I am loved
Knowing that "he’s" thinking of me
Laughing so hard that my stomach hurts and/or I cry
Learning something new
Listening to my favorite song(s) on repeat
Looking at old photos
Losing weight
Make out sessions
My awesome friends – and mine are definitely awesome
My mom’s fudge
My stuffed animal, Crumpet
New experiences
New pajamas/sweats
Nice, long, relaxing, hot showers
Old people in love
Payday – and that I have a job that allows me to be happy about payday
People watching
Playing on a playground
Pop Rocks
Random acts of kindness
Reading a really good book
Roller coasters
Shoulder rubs
Smell of autumn
Snowball fights
Solving a problem
Spending time with my mom
Spooning and cuddling
Stars in the night’s sky
Surprising someone
Swinging on a swing set
Teddy Bear
The atmosphere that candles create
The butterflies in my stomach when it comes to something or someone new
The sand between my toes
The smell of freshly cut grass
The Tiffany & Co. jewelry (sterling silver 1837 ring and bangle bracelet) I want – and will have
The warmth of the sun on my body
Turning the music up super loud, singing and dancing away – and not caring if anyone sees me
Twizzler’s Nibs
Video crack
Waking up and realizing I have more time to sleep
Warm chocolate chip cookies
Watching Dirty Dancing
Writing on foggy windows and mirrors
Posted 14 years ago