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Emilye Messerly
Member since March 2011
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1. Street Car Named Desire.
2. Casablanca
My plan is to go to color me mine and paint it on a plate or something cute like that!
Once I finish my first aid class I will!
I have a sinking feeling this will never actually happen.
This ain't ever gonna happen.
1. Street Car Named Desire.
2. Casablanca
LOTR marathon check. Now for Star Wars (1-3 of course)
Certifying for Turbokick on Saturday!
Have taught sections of a class...but not an entire one yet!
1. Chicken Quesidillas
2. Chicken Salad
3. Cafe Rio (okay I didn't help that much on this one)
4. Pesto Chicken and Bread yumminess
My 4.0 this semester would suggest I'm going to complete this goal!
April-The Partner. Check.
May-The Book Thief.
April/May-The Partner. Check.
June/July-The Holy Temple. Check.
August/Sept-The Book Thief. Check.
I've read so many book recently it's crazy...
So. Much. FUN!! Although Shanna got me pretty bad...
Well Shanna make it up...but I am the other half of it!
Appropriately right after a mud fight with Shanna!
Does it count if it's just cause I have no food to eat?
Dad and I will be going to Homecoming spectacular together on Oct 6!
Almost there! Just need to take a quick test!
Okay Natalie may not be hooked yet...but Shanna sure is! Yep I'm counting Shanna.
Tickets have been purchased!!
It was POURING and Shanna and I looked like we just took a shower with our clothes on. Also did this with the Midge but it was only sprinkling so it only half counted.
May 26-May 30th. It's all planned!
1-Southwest Chicken Salad...yum!
2-Mexican Chicken Casserole...amazing!
3-Bean Salad...got it from Mel. LOVE!
4-Chipotle Chicken Salad...sooo good.
5. BBQ chicken wrap.