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Ellen Piercy
Member since November 2011
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DId this Yonks ago, I SHOULD probably get a new one, as my ipod is on its last legs... but I wont, how could you just abandon your ipod!
Got really into painting a couple years back, yet i only kept one canvas i did, its hanging over my telly, and is the most annoying picture ever, the lines bug me everynight! But thats why i love it i guess.
Had numerous sewing lessons after getting a machine for Christmas, was not my forte but somehow after 6 weeks i managed to produce quite a cute little dress, maybe it was luck, or maybe it was all the help i got of my teacher... We'll never know i guess
Christmas 2009, thankyou Grandma
I love you Sam x
Wish i could get a move on with this one already, but cant til Christmas (when I get all my money) *Sadface*
1 - Helped the elderly women with her bag down the stairs and showed her to her bus, 12/11/11
*5th November 2011, Went to the National Gallery With Sam
*13th November 2011, Went to the National Portrait Gallery With Sam
Quite Inspiring and profound I guess, wish you could write your answers and submit them to the website founder. I know there's no 'Real' answers to the questions, but why not write down your thoughts, feelings an attempts to answer them?
Saturday the 12th November - 995 Days to go, took a train to see Sam x
Me and Sam are making a 101 things to do together as a couple in 1001 days list, on day zero project, I reckon that counts, i mean i inspired him to make one (even if its with me) right..? Im going to count it anyway x