Nateal Falk
Fargo, ND
My life has recently undergone a lot of massive upheavals. I'm hoping this list helps me learn to captain my own ship and live confidently.

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3-20-16: (1/20 Video Games) I've started playing Stardew Valley for PC.
3-20-16: (Read 6/500) I read six issues of the 2014 Ms. Marvel comic in the bathtub today.
Currently paying down on two different medical providers. I hope to be medical debt free by the end of this journey.
3-5-16: I have chosen the book I intend to complete for this project. It's called "Doodle Invasion" and is full of the intricate illustrations of Kerby Rosanes. It's a really unique book, and I've enjoyed what I've done so far in it. I'll also be doing it in colored pencil, which is a diversion from my usual coloring choice - markers.
3-7-16: (2/100 Caches Found) There were a couple microcaches near where I work, so I hit them up yesterday. It was SO GORGEOUS outside, I had to stop for a couple! Caches located - GC4YP52; GC4YP56
3-7-16: I completed chapter 2 today. I now have identified plans with multiple steps to dealing with my overwhelming emotions. I am working on enacting the concept of "radical acceptance" into my life.
3-4-16: Learning to drive stick was definitely one of the scary items on my list! I was always nervous about wrecking up the car. But my partner, Ross, taught me with grace, patience, and success!
2-29-16: I purchased "The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook" produced by New Harbinger. I've worked through a chunk of the first chapter tonight.