A goal of Ketutar Jensen on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Not Started.

"The 24-posture Simplified Form of t'ai chi ch'uan, sometimes called the Beijing form for its place of origin, is a short version of T'ai chi composed of twenty-four unique movements."
I thought I'd learn each posture on a day during August, but I found it a bit puzzling and gave up the process.
So I'll try again, and learn one new movement every day during the next 21 days. (That's where I got during August.)
That means that the end date for this challenge is 30/9.
I thought I'd learn each posture on a day during August, but I found it a bit puzzling and gave up the process.
So I'll try again, and learn one new movement every day during the next 21 days. (That's where I got during August.)
That means that the end date for this challenge is 30/9.
Posted 11 years ago