A goal of Terri Miro on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.
Bon Jovi - October 2013
Posted 11 years ago
Related Notes:

My Oak Tree: August 2019. This branch was just cut. Sort of like pruning I guess.

My Oak Tree: July 2019. It's Summer with the Sun at its Zenith.

My Oak Tree: June 2019. Wooot-woot! Look at that! Brand new baby leaves.

My Oak Tree: May 2019. May was grey, cloudy, rainy, gloomy, dark, name it!!!!! I did not went out a lot to take pictures.

My Oak Tree: April 2019. April was very dark, cold and gloomy. Still lot of snow and very grey.

My Oak Tree: March 2019. Everything was trapped under ice, including this poor tree. But he was very beautiful all covered in cristal.

My Oak Tree: February 2019. Yeah, well... Snow.

My Oak Tree: January 2019. See, a will o' the wisp? No, it's actualy an iceland elf. Moving home at my place on New Year's Eve. We made bonfires and fireworks for them this year. This one fire wisp is heading straight to the Oak Tree. Maybe he made his home in it. I read that in Iceland, some believe it's good luck to have them moving at your place.

My Oak Tree: December 2018. On a Dark Full Moon Night. Not very good photo bt the only I have for December... Attemps at catching that Full Moon...

My Oak Tree: November 2018. Already buried under the snow.

My Oak Tree. October 2018.