Melissa Speegle
Moore, OK
Member since January 2012

Notes & Photos
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Planted a bucket garden this year but it didn't last. Will try again in Spring 2013.
1/10 Natural air freshener
2/10 Nintendo bento sandwich lunch
3/10 Have a BALL this Valentine for Korben's class
4/10 Printable letter tracing cards
5/10 Rainbow rice
6/10 Felt envelope
7/10 Felt fractions
1/10 Natural air freshener
2/10 Nintendo bento sandwich lunch
3/10 Have a BALL this Valentine for Korben's class
4/10 Printable letter tracing cards
5/10 Rainbow rice
6/10 Felt envelope
7/10 Felt fractions
Found Dr. Kim King in Oklahoma City! He is awesome!
1- skirt for Aniala
2- leg warmers for Alison
3 - baby hat for donation
4 - baby hat for donation
5 - baby hat for donation
6 - baby hat for donation
7 - Paige Baby doll dress for Aniala
8 - Bloomers for Aniala
9 - Made 10 knit boats (they were little so only counting as one item)
10 - Made preemie hat & booties for baby Finn
1- skirt for Aniala
2- leg warmers for Alison
3 - baby hat for donation
4 - baby hat for donation
5 - baby hat for donation
6 - baby hat for donation
7 - Paige Baby doll dress for Aniala
8 - Bloomers for Aniala
9 - Made 10 knit boats (they were little so only counting as one item)
10 - Made preemie hat & booties for baby Finn
Note added to goal Make entries in Korben's i like book at least 3 times per week
As well as Brent's and the kids' blood types.
1/10 Natural air freshener
2/10 Nintendo bento sandwich lunch
3/10 Have a BALL this Valentine for Korben's class
2/10 Nintendo bento sandwich lunch
3/10 Have a BALL this Valentine for Korben's class
March 31, 2012 8:30 pm your local time!
Trip booked!!! Heading to CA in June and stopping off at the Grand Canyon too!
Added $5 for buying the memorial stone at the zoo.
Ordered the memorial stone on 2/16/12. I can't wait to see it!
1- skirt for Aniala
2- leg warmers for Alison
3 - baby hat for donation
4 - baby hat for donation
5 - baby hat for donation
6 - baby hat for donation
1- skirt for Aniala
2- leg warmers for Alison
3 - baby hat for donation
4 - baby hat for donation
5 - baby hat for donation
6 - baby hat for donation
1/10 Natural air freshener
2/10 Nintendo bento sandwich lunch
2/10 Nintendo bento sandwich lunch
1- skirt for Aniala
2- leg warmers for Alison
3 - baby hat for donation
4 - baby hat for donation
5 - baby hat for donation
1- skirt for Aniala
2- leg warmers for Alison
3 - baby hat for donation
4 - baby hat for donation
5 - baby hat for donation
Added $5 for completing Aniala's longies.
Set up an automatic transfer for every payday. First deposit into savings 1/13/12.