Lists 3     Goals 146     Done 76     Likes 0     Habits 0     Notes 50
Member since August 2019
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Notes & Photos
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07/20: "the color purple"
06/20: "the horse dancer" by JoJo Moyes
July 2020: Pizzasuppe
June 2020: Gemüse-Cannelloni
Weiße Schokolade/Walnuss
May 2020: Chili con carne
05/20: "in five des es" by Rebecca Serle
04/20: "The Argument" by Victoria Jenkins
03/20: "un appartement à Paris" by Guillaume Musso
April 2020: Nusszopf

March 2020: Mallorquinischer Mandelkuchen
02/20: "l'expérience de la pluie " by Clelie Avit
February 2020: Käsekuchen
10. Käsekuchen
Didn't enjoy it
Got one for my birthday
01/20: "Alex" by Pierre Lemaitre
12/19: "Au revoir là haut" by Pierre Lemaitre
January 2020: Spinatlasagne
8. Spinatlasagne
9. Honigbonbons
December 2019: Christmas cookies
5. Spekulatius mit Marzipanfüllung
6. Schnelle Weihnachtsplätzchen
7. Zimt-Waffel-Kekse
11/19 "Laufen. Essen. Schlafen." By Christine Thürmer

24.11.19 "Sevgin Ocakbasi" in Freiburg"
17.11.19 "I Trulli" in Freiburg
1. Zimtsterne
2. Lebkuchencookies
3. Heidesand
4. Schneeflöckchen
November 2019: Sauerkraut-Quiche
01.11.19. "Chez Rita" in Strasbourg
1. Insektenmuseum in Steinhude
October 2019: cremige Spinat-Tortellini
10/19: "Found" by Erin Kinsle
09/19: "If only I could tell you" by Hannah Beckerman
44 to go
September 2019: almond cookies
15.09.2019 "Café Einstein" in Freiburg
10.09.2019: "Paradies" in Freiburg


Went for the first time yesterday
08/19: "Je suis là" by Clélie Avit
Released two books via postcrossing - 48 to go
Released 2 books
Registered 2 books
August 2019: tarte aux quetsches