Related Notes:
With no help apart from, when I had the answer but wasn’t quite sure if the meaning was right, using the thesaurus to check definition against wordplay.
This is one of the easier crossword setters from The Age so I’ll have to tackle a harder one next. I’m so pleased!
I completed the three samples we were given in the class I took. We did several clues as a class and then in small groups, and I finished them later (with a lot of help from online resources such as thesaurus, google, anagramfinder and oneacross. This was the first step.
The second involved downloading a whole heap along with a crossword software where I got to do them on my own, although I could check whether letters were correct, which I did several times, as well as aforementioned resources. I didn’t ask the software to reveal any letters though. and I did finish a crossword that way.
I’ve started the next step – doing one of these by myself but without using cheat resources – only exception is once I think I have the answer (from the definition) I can use something like a thesaurus to help me check the wordplay until I understand the clue in both senses. I’ve done well in one of these, but I can only cross off this goal once I manage to complete one in this way without cheating. Very happy with my progress so far after only a few days.
(less) (less)I completed the three samples we were given in the class I took. We did several clues as a class and then in small groups, and I finished them later (with a lot of help from online resources such as thesaurus, google, anagramfinder and oneacross. This was the first step.
The second involved
(...more)I completed the three samples we were given in the class I took. We did several clues as a class and then in small groups, and I finished them later (with a lot of help from online resources such as thesaurus, google, anagramfinder and oneacross. This was the first step.
The second involved
I've registered for a class in January to teach me how to do these. Very exciting!