A goal of Pan Reas on their Original 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.
With no help apart from, when I had the answer but wasn’t quite sure if the meaning was right, using the thesaurus to check definition against wordplay.
This is one of the easier crossword setters from The Age so I’ll have to tackle a harder one next. I’m so pleased!
Posted 12 years ago
Related Notes:
I completed the three samples we were given in the class I took. We did several clues as a class and then in small groups, and I finished them later (with a lot of help from online resources such as thesaurus, google, anagramfinder and oneacross. This was the first step.

The second involved (...more)
I took the introductory class in solving cryptic crosswords last night and I found it really helpful. We were taught basic clues and about the definition, linking words, instruction and fodder. I found to my surprise that I was able to do three clues from one sample before the class began. (...more)
I've registered for a class in January to teach me how to do these. Very exciting!