Member since February 2015

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Both applied for !
Joe and Tia!
Scanlan Theodore - Sydney Australia
26/1 $100 to Narelle for Worlds Greatest Shave
Started Jan 22 finish Feb 21-
22/1 Toady (kiss -ass),
23/1 Savant (one who knows a lot about a particular subject) virtuoso (more artistic than savant),
24/1 desultory (lack of direction, purpose or consistency, ie. desultory thoughts, desultory conversation
25/1 Lido - (fashionable beach resort)
26/1 ostentatious - (acting in a way as to impress others, pretentious)
27/1 impervious (not allowing entrance/pass, not capable of being damaged or harmed/ affected or disturbed) 28/1 recant (retract previous statement, openly confess error ex, recant faith/ statement)
29/1 Destitute (without the basic necessities of life)
30/1 farklempt (choked up) ,
31/1 incongruous (not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something)
1//2 supercilious (someone who thinks/acts like they are better than everyone else)
2/2 virtue behavior showing high moral standards)
3/2 paragon (a model of excellence or perfection, or a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality)
4/2 opprobrium (something that brings disgrace)
5/2 mélange (a mixture often of incongruous elements)
22/1 Toady (kiss -ass),
23/1 Savant (one who knows a lot about a particular subject) virtuoso (more artistic than savant),
24/1 desultory (lack of direction, purpose or consistency, ie. desultory thoughts, desultory conversation
25/1 Lido - (fashionable beach resort)
26/1 ostentatious - (acting in a way as to impress others, pretentious)
27/1 impervious (not allowing entrance/pass, not capable of being damaged or harmed/ affected or disturbed) 28/1 recant (retract previous statement, openly confess error ex, recant faith/ statement)
29/1 Destitute (without the basic necessities of life)
30/1 farklempt (choked up) ,
31/1 incongruous (not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something)
1//2 supercilious (someone who thinks/acts like they are better than everyone else)
2/2 virtue behavior showing high moral standards)
3/2 paragon (a model of excellence or perfection, or a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality)
4/2 opprobrium (something that brings disgrace)
5/2 mélange (a mixture often of incongruous elements)
1. Pineapple/ Jalepeno Margarita