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Build a snowman
The tradition of building snowmen dates back to medieval times when they were used as scarecrows in fields.
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Spring break with ella
Had to be a mini one as the snow was a bit powdery!
We don't have a lot of snow in the Netherlands, but I made a little snowman this morning! :)
I had to climb a mile up the Jeep Trail on Mount Marathon to get to the snow line. This wasn't a planned snowman -- it just seemed to be the place to do it! I hiked up to the top of the switchbacks twice and did this the second time.
My daughter and I built a snowman on January 26, 2016. I will add a picture later
Actually, my cousins bulit it. But he's soo cute.
Since writing this list we've had no snow, so instead I created a pretty snowman in powerpoint (I wasn't specific in my instructions, never said it had to be built out of snow...)
There was no carrots for his nose
Started making a snowman
2/15/14 with Brian
This is Jack. He is from North Carolina
He thought he was going to the beach.
Candy Rocker Snowman
Winter Festival at Eatons Hill Hotel, 20/07/2013.
Once again an easy one, I live in North of Norway so we have plenty of snow in the winter.
This snowman was built on Easter.

I don't remember as cold April as we have in 2013. When it started snowing on Good Friday, we all were angry. "Easter should be warm and sunny!" So we've built that snowman.
€10,- deposited into savings account dd March 22nd 2013
My Mini Snowman After a big snow fall on Feb 27th, 2013
Completed February 27th, 2013
Completed 23/01/2012
Snow Angel made January 18th 2013
I made this so much ugly snowgirl with big booty for my boyfriend. :) Yeah, they look so creepy! :D
Dec 2012 - Made a snowman with Juan & Andres during the first snow in Madison!
Snowman on the roof
His name was Snomo. He was a good guy (:
Muncho Lake BC with the kids on our way to alaska
Built one on the 4th od Feb 2012 and Named him Bob! *link to photo coming soon*
We can build him tall, or we can build him not so tall... Snowman!


Beowulf, indeed.
Completed 02/27/10: Central Park w/ Karen
Completed 2/10/10 during the second consecutive nor'easter in 2 weeks. Nicole, Darek, Anita, Teresa, Lexi, and Little Chris helped. It was a beautiful night.
February 11, 2010...Dan and I bundled up after a heavy snowstorm, headed over to the Rizzo's and built a cute lil' snowman with Justine, John & Nicholas. I loved feeling like an eight-year-old for the day...must do that more often!!
Can do in the Winter time.
Brandon and I built a snowman last night in the dark. The snow wasn't quite sticky or soft, so we had to use shovels to stack and shape the snow. Sam is a smiling snowman, with tennis ball eyes, a stick nose and knobs for a smile. You can see him waving at the street, and holding his cane.
Jan. 14, 2012

We had about 3/4 of an inch of snow, and remembering this task, I told Ansilla that I wanted to build a snowman. She said that I was overestimating the quality of the snow. So I went out and built a snowman. :) I hadn't built one in forever... it was harder than I remembered!
with Jarret and Dad when younger
Lots of snow this winter, made a sort of snowman with my brother
Sno Camp Youth Retreat - Parry Sound - March, 2011
17/12/10 - With Georgia. A pitiful attempt, had had frost after snowfall so the snow wouldn't stick together.
On the Fox River with Brandon, Matt, and Brad.
A small but perfectly formed snowman built Feb 2012.
Trophy House snowman
Fun things I've never done goals
Little Bella & Edd
everyone has built a snowman!