Milwaukee, WI
I was inspired by a friend to take part in this personal challenge, and so far am very grateful for it! I have always had many things I would like to experience, learn or explore, so I thought this was a great way to put those thoughts into action. Although I have not blogged before, I am going to give this a shot. This is a great place to document and share the journey...

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17 Apr, 16
Marked goal Get a massage as Done!
17 Apr, 16
Marked goal Buy a coloring book & take up coloring as Done!
17 Apr, 16
Marked goal Walk on the Riverwalk downtown Mke as Done!
Dec 21, 2011 - Sep 18, 2014
Dec 31, 2014 - Sep 27, 2017
Goals with no specified timetime
Goals completed!