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5th of February, day 5/7

6/7 goals, added:
- Make a custom recipe book (took an empty Leuchtturm notebook and decided I want something for my healthier cooking and baking recipes)
- Find a secure method to store all my passwords (Bitwarden)
I can recommend Bitwarden. It is basically Open Source with premium functions, but the free version already comes with the option to self-host your passwords / vault and two-factor authentification.

Ein Tag in Auschwitz | ARTE
"A Day in Auschwitz"

That one was harsh. It tells of one arriving train to the KZ in Auschwitz and how the Nazis handled the arriving prisoners.
2nd of February - day 2 of 7

- Get a job.
- Get a pay rise.
- Double my current salary.

[at 4/7 goals]
1/7 on 1st of February
"Journal every day for a month"
Finished "Magical Symbols and Alphabets", a book containing different systems of magical symbolism (e.g. runes, magical alphabets).

It's a great compilation for anyone who thinks about learning one or more systems before actually committing.

Week 5: Six Crimson Cranes (5/5)

I liked the novel a lot. A cursed princess that saves herself with the help of others instead of most fairy tales in which women are to be saved by men? Definitely count me in.
Adding books from the last weeks:

Week 2 - "The Last Hours"
Novel set in Medieval England at the onset of the Black Plague. Loved it. 5/5

Week 3 - "The Witch's Path"
Book with a lot of ideas on how to advance your witchcraft practice. I liked it quite well, 5/5

Week 4 - "Daughter of the Moon Goddess"
Novel set in a fantasy realm based on Chinese mythology. It sadly has a few bad fan fiction tropes like the love triangle. I liked the idea itself, the novel sadly was more meh, 3/5

Eine Geschichte des Antisemitismus
"A History of Antisemitism"

Documentary on Arte, around 4 hours long. Very much recommended if you understand German.
I finished "The Shamanic Workbook I" today.

It's a nice book if you are interested in the topic because the author mentions that your beliefs might differ a lot. She also prefers to speak from her experience and therefore opens enough space for you to fill in some "blanks" with your own ideas.
If you want to read a bit about spiritual cleansing, working with your intuition or your ancestors, this might be for you.
Finished "Ancestral Tarot"

It was okay. Nothing ground-breaking, but it had some nice ideas in it on how to use the tarot to work with ancestors.
1/20 - Das Kolosseum in Rom - Denkmäler der Ewigkeit | ARTE
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2023

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to do a push-up
  2. Start exercising regularly
  3. Stop procrastinating
  4. Take a vacation to Italy
  5. Find self-love
  6. Try following planetary cycles
  7. Be more consistent