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I watched it and it was beautiful, but it also sets on the other side of the hill (oops) so I've added the goal of watching the sunrise as well.
Medium difficulty is perfect for me!
In Lake Windermere
Jake Bugg!
Sam brought me vegan shortbread!
7 Things x 2018
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to drive
- Start following through with your goals
- Stop multi-tasking
- Take a vacation to Scotland
- Find someone you want to go on a date with
- Try a new class at the gym
- Be more peaceful
Note added to goal Donate all my unwanted books to friends or to the local book store
I sent a ton to local charity shops, and then took my unwanted theology books to the library (bonus points: I also am contributing my dissertation to the library: I got a first!
I finished A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Fantastic book. Going to go review it on Goodreads.
I have not officially gone to a pick your own farm yet. But I completed this goal because I picked a blueberry. Which pretty much blew my mind.