February 6 - Day 37

It was my first time using a paper face clay mask. It was hydrating!
Posted 8 years ago
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March 12

I have been so so busy lately. I wish I had internet in my apartment like I used to. Then I would be on here every day and night keeping track of my goals. As I said, I have been busy. My days have been full of goal related projects so I am running around completing my goals!

I have an art show an April and a book signing this month. I was on the radio and the featured visual artist at a dance. I have people wanting me to be the director over things like music and camps, making curriculums. I laugh at the irony of this because I have been working for all of these opportunities to happen for over 13 years and no movement was made. Now, suddenly, in one year, everything is happening not simply month to month, but all at once, back to back.

I am glad that this is happening now because I am now prepared and willing to handle it all. At 14, 17, or 25, I would not have been able to handle all of these opportunities without being overwhelmed. I would not have believed in myself enough to be successful. But at this point, I am willing and able and I plan to succeed! I will keep you updated.

February 20 - Day 51

So yes, I have been going through a lot of stuff since February 13th. It is not all bad stuff, mostly good. The bad part is that my stupid phone decided it was not going to have internet anymore. Seriously, out of all of the technical things that could have happened, it had to be my phone. But I guess it caused me less distraction but it threw my focus off. I was in my friend's play about lynching, her husband made a documentary about it and I am in that as well. We have performed at two colleges so far, me and six others. People have given us all a good response. I went on my friend's radio show to promote it. So I have been having fun. I will keep people updated on what is happening. Talk soon!

February 13 - Day 44

Working on m projects at a different library branch. I literally feel like I am in a daze. I feel like I have so many projects going on that I am about to just pass out.....

February 12 -Day 43

I am portraying a lynched victim for a performance. I finally got my costume. We are going to several places to perform. This play coincides with the documentary my friends made about lynching. I am also in the documentary.

February 11 - Day 42

A Black history panel at the library. The topic was education

February 10 - Day 41

I am happy because I am taking the steps to be healthy in my soul! Eat my spaghetti and let go of resentment

February 9 - Day 40

I completed this today. I love Deepak Chopra

February 8 - Day 39

I accidentally found a beer and pizza place. I don't drink so pizza was my only choice

February 7- Day 38

Sometimes I feel as if I am always on the move.

February 5 - Day 36

My friend made this and I love it

February 4 - Day 35

I bought some art supplies to creates!!

February 3 - Day 34

Today is my half-birthday. So I made vegan pancakes! I am 27 and 1/2

February 2 - Day 33

I got one of the Black Biblical characters poster from my job. I am so excited because I want to collect all of them

February 1 - Day 32

Interesting. A pop up bicycle trail.

Day 31

January 31- Day 31

I was reading poetry from my poetry book.

January 30 - Day 30

Working on my painting. I plan to finish it either today or next month. Who know. I am liking it so far though.

January 29 - Day 29

Resting witch face waiting for my food to cook, a fish sandwich at a restaurant. I am irritated a bit because I walked a few miles in the cold but I need to build endurance for my revenge body

January 28 - Day 28

I worked out today. My abs are not here yet but my stomach is becoming flatter. I am excited. I feel the fire. Year of the Fire Rooster starts today

January 27 - Day 27

Outside at 5:30 in the morning to go teach these children. Yep, it was an exciting day

Photo #2

January 26 - Day 26

I felt so sensual today but I don't even know why.

January 25 - Day 25

At the local college. Working on my projects. Need to take control of my whole world. My focus on my goals is going to be off of the chain. I am a creative genius, I eliminate all barriers! I look bored but I am contemplating how I am going to conquer!!!

January 24 -Day 24

I had a better day today than yesterday. I was still kind of bummed out but my boss at the bookstore gave me some great advice and it helped me to keep my head up. I had been stressing myself out thinking about my whole future, but I need to realize that I am in control of my life and I can make bold moves if I choose to do so.

January 23- Day 23

I dressed well for my job orientation today I was so tired from the whole bus experience but I was happy when I came home. Home is where my heart is.

January 22- Day 22

I love you, flower.

Day 21

I really did my best to stay positive with my ex. He apologized for throwing the orange at me. At least I looked cute in my dress. I just couldn't hide the sadness in my face.

January 21 - Day 21

I spent most of the day preparing to get my key from my ex of 6 years. He tried to argue with me through texts and it caused me such stress. I had spent all day meditating trying to end this all peacefully. He drove up in his new girlfriend's car and gave me the key. I tried to give him an orange as a positive parting gift. He wouldn't take it. I gave it to him anyway. He threw it in the street like it was trash and sped off when I went to go get it. 6 years and you throw an orange at me. I was so overwhelmed and felt so insulted because I had spent several days mentally preparing for good bye. I had dressed up to look pretty only to be ignored. There is a lesson in this and I am stronger now.

January 20 - Day 20

I am feeling kind of relaxed today. Nothing much happening with me. About to get my hair washed and trimmed. Cut away bad memories

January 19 - Day 19

I am on the bus. Today was long, day 1 at my job. I love my job at the bookstore. I am still trying to be more upbeat. Bought myself strange presents.

January 18 - Day 18

What a way to start my year. Six years in the trash with out photos. I put in all of my effort, still wasn't enough. Oh well, last photo. No more ranting. Must move on.

January 18 - Day 18

So... Let me see. I am 27 with a BA in English and visual art, author of four published books, muralist, avid reader, polite, don't smoke, drink or try to backstab, apologize when I am wrong, listen, I have no kids but he decides to get with that other girl who backstabs everybody because I am poor and she isn't? WOW. After I was with him during his poverty. Six years down the drain. Deactivated Facebook but will reactivate in December 2017 when I am rolling in cash with a six pack, waist length hair and skin like a doll. Let's see who will be crying in the end, traitor. Didn't even have the decency to tell me you are dumping me and dating my enemy. Mannnnn this is a golden link in the Chain of my good! In the end, I will be the winner! You watch and see!

January 18 - Day 18

Maaaaan I am SO mad. Last night found out my boyfriend who of 6 years was dating one of my friends and living with her. Both of them are snakes. He must think I am about to cry over him. Boy BYE

January 17- Day 17

I don't know what my deal is but I am in a sad mood today. Trying to stay positive but I am just frustrated with every aspect of my life and it is winter time. I want the sun back. Winter amplifies my frustration

January 16 - Day 16

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day! I made sure to wear one of my many Dr. King buttons that I have collected over the years.

January 15 - Day 15

I wore green today even though I don't plan on going outside today. It is too cold out and icy

January 14 - Day 14

I am working on a painting about the Afrikan-Indian connection. I am having fun making it. It is so abstract.

January 13 -Day 13

I was really diggin' my style today
I had on a cute head band and some earrings I had never seen in my jewelry case. I felt upbeat even though I was sick. Friday the 13th!

January 12 -Day 12

I wanted to feel like a flapper today so I wore one of my favorite hats and lightning earrings because a snow blizzard is coming this evening

January 11 - Day 11

I cannot stop eating this stew my friend made. He used some type of Afrikan spices. It is so so so spicy. It is so spicy I have to eat it on a bagel. It is so spicy every time I eat it I start sweating and my body temperature rises. I am burning up right now

January 10 - Day 10

Thinking about my whole life (in my usual whimsical fashion)

January 9 - Day 9

Having fun next to some of the paintings I created.

January 8 -Day 8

I felt very green today and decided to wear all shades of green and gray. It would have been super classy if I had had my hair in an elegant bun. Oh well, I am still cute.

January 7- Day 7

I woke up early today to go to a job interview. I think it went well, so I am rather happy. I feel like my money issues are about to end soon. I feel so celebratory

January 6 - Day 6

I feel better. I think by Sunday I will be walking on air. I am having a visitor today, somebody I really missed. I am trying to look as healthy as possible so this person will not worry about me. I am trying to look like I have vitality still even though I am still a bit lethargic. I went outside today and got air. Maybe my illness is leaving sooner than later thanks to my Vitamin C 😊 I love you, Vitamin C!

January 5- Day 5

I am beginning to feel better. I think the Vitamin C is doing it. I drank two smoothies today too! Wow, I feel way better than earlier this week. And I am working on an art piece. It is a collage and marker. Like it?

January 4 -Day 4

I am literally over this stupid, wretched illness. I cannot take it anymore! The illness is mononucleosis and it just sucks. I have no clue where I got it from, maybe from the family I housed for a month, maybe from riding the bus, I don't know. I am tired of laying in bed all day, I cannot wait 6 to 8 weeks for it to end. I need it to end now because I have things to do. Crap. I dragged myself to the store today, I bought grapes, bananas, Vitamin C and coconut oil. My appetite keeps craving meat but I don't know why. I just want this to be over, this is the most annoying aggravating sickness for no reason.

January 3 -Day 3
So sick. I have been in bed most of the day because moving around makes me lose energy. I have been praying and praying for healing. I even put an iron Crucifix on my chest because I thought maybe that would work too. Uuuughhhhh I feel like a pool of jello. My glands are not as swollen as yesterday and my medicine is helping me. Please God, cure me 😭

January 2
At the doctor's office. Got diagnosed with a viral illness. Not feeling well. Eyes swollen, hurts to swallow, fatigue, night sweats, mucus. This is not how I envisioned my new year. I need to get better, I have projects to work on 😑

January 1
Had to dress nice for the first of the year