A goal of Maaju on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.
32/100 done
ave a job that pays enough to support me and allows me to not be constantly stressed out about money if I'm just a bit careful.
My free education
Being healthy in general
All my loved ones being healthy in general
One of my oldest plants nearly died but I rescued it by moving it on to another window sill where it gets more light
One of the cacti I sowed a couple of years ago had had a sudden growth spurt while I wasn't paying attention to it
Snow in all its manifestations - soon it'll be sparkling white drifts of snow like diamonds in the sunlight
Prescription sunglasses
This gorgeous new nail polish I just put on. It's slate grey with a slight purple shimmer
Living near the arctic circle and experiencing the changing length of the day
The smell of clean laundry
Living with someone who makes me laugh every day
Having a good relationship with my mom
Good shoes
That I get to go to therapy, the dentist and gyno for free
Not having glaucoma
Knitting, spinning, cross stitching
A clean kitchen
A well-organized wardrobe - being able to reach my hand in there without thinking about it and grab clothes that fit me and look good and smell good
Songs that might as well have been written about me
The luxuries of having my own dishwasher & washing machine
Well-fitting jeans
Warm toes
Earl Grey and the jar I keep it in
Hormonal birth control that controls my acne nearly perfectly
The pieces of jewelry and perfume I wear every day
Angry recipes like the taco meat ball soup recipe I saw the other day that has no link but I have that shit saved away for later on the computer, fuck yeah
My bicycle with the lights and the basket and the reflectors
My bicycle helmet
My wind resistant hat that I wear under my helmet and under my hand-knitted hats
The design of this apartment and the fact that it's warm
The fact that the arm I broke last summer bothers me less and less all the time.
Posted 12 years ago