Your goals in one place, not all over the place
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Write a list of 100 things that make me happy

1) Hockey
2) Disney's Descendants
3) Maddie
2) Disney's Descendants
3) Maddie



Working on this today!

1. Cuddling
2. Feeling fingers run through my hair
3. Daisies
4. Warm, soft blankets
5. Good conversations
6. Karaoke with friends.
7. A perfectly fitting pair of jeans.
8. The perfect cup of tea.
9. A good joke.
10. Texts or calls just to say hello.
11. Summer rays on my face.
12. Laying around in bed doing nothing.
13. My kitty.
14. Vanilla.
15. Clothes right out of the dryer.
16. Listening to 90's music.
17. Awkward smiles.
18. Good bourbon.
19. Long Island Ice Teas.
20. Comfy Hats
21. Warm Scarves
22. Futurama
23. Long walks
24. Manicures
25. Pedicures
26. Massages
27. Watching movies with friends
28. Eating cookie dough right out of the tub
29. Smoking hookah with friends
30. Completing my goals
31. Doing well in school
32. Helping people solve problems
33. Kissing
34. Fall
35. Wandering around new places with no time constraint
36. Flirting
37. Meeting fun new people
38. Getting my hair braided
39. Getting my hair brushed
40. Big comfy, off-the-shoulder sweaters
41. Giving gifts
42. Making snow angels
43. Having snowball fights
44. Snow tubing
45. Swinging
46. Bubble baths
47. Long, hot showers
48. Cooking
49. Traveling
50. Pretty dresses
51. Making Forts
52. Sleeping in late
53. Candles
54. Tattoos
55. Raves
56. Dancing
57. Dancing in the rain
58. The sound of raindrops falling
59. Taking pictures
60. Kissing in the rain
61. Poetry
62. Ankle boots
63. Getting dressed up in costumes.
64. Pearls
65. Getting my picture taken.
66. Going to the club.
67. Going to the zoo.
68. Museums
69. Daisy Marc Jacobs Perfume
70. Dying my hair
71. Concerts
72. Giving compliments and meaning it.
73. Getting compliments
74. Going on dates
75. Spending time with my sister
76. Daddy-Daughter days.
77. Girls Nights!
78. Physics Jokes.
79. 80's horror flicks.
80. Stargazing.
81. Sudoku
82. Puppies.
83. Hotel beds.
84. Having a clean house.
85. Confidence.
86. Curls
87. Naps
88. Perfectly done eyebrows
89. Bonfires
90. Smores
91. Yoga
92. Mead (Honey wine)
93. Comedy shows
94. Jazz Music
95. Organix line shampoo & conditioner
96. Diamonds
97. Hello Kitty
98. Going to cons
99. Down blankets
100. Finishing Lists!!! XD
1. Cuddling
2. Feeling fingers run through my hair
3. Daisies
4. Warm, soft blankets
5. Good conversations
6. Karaoke with friends.
7. A perfectly fitting pair of jeans.
8. The perfect cup of tea.
9. A good joke.
10. Texts or calls just to say hello.
11. Summer rays on my face.
12. Laying around in bed doing nothing.
13. My kitty.
14. Vanilla.
15. Clothes right out of the dryer.
16. Listening to 90's music.
17. Awkward smiles.
18. Good bourbon.
19. Long Island Ice Teas.
20. Comfy Hats
21. Warm Scarves
22. Futurama
23. Long walks
24. Manicures
25. Pedicures
26. Massages
27. Watching movies with friends
28. Eating cookie dough right out of the tub
29. Smoking hookah with friends
30. Completing my goals
31. Doing well in school
32. Helping people solve problems
33. Kissing
34. Fall
35. Wandering around new places with no time constraint
36. Flirting
37. Meeting fun new people
38. Getting my hair braided
39. Getting my hair brushed
40. Big comfy, off-the-shoulder sweaters
41. Giving gifts
42. Making snow angels
43. Having snowball fights
44. Snow tubing
45. Swinging
46. Bubble baths
47. Long, hot showers
48. Cooking
49. Traveling
50. Pretty dresses
51. Making Forts
52. Sleeping in late
53. Candles
54. Tattoos
55. Raves
56. Dancing
57. Dancing in the rain
58. The sound of raindrops falling
59. Taking pictures
60. Kissing in the rain
61. Poetry
62. Ankle boots
63. Getting dressed up in costumes.
64. Pearls
65. Getting my picture taken.
66. Going to the club.
67. Going to the zoo.
68. Museums
69. Daisy Marc Jacobs Perfume
70. Dying my hair
71. Concerts
72. Giving compliments and meaning it.
73. Getting compliments
74. Going on dates
75. Spending time with my sister
76. Daddy-Daughter days.
77. Girls Nights!
78. Physics Jokes.
79. 80's horror flicks.
80. Stargazing.
81. Sudoku
82. Puppies.
83. Hotel beds.
84. Having a clean house.
85. Confidence.
86. Curls
87. Naps
88. Perfectly done eyebrows
89. Bonfires
90. Smores
91. Yoga
92. Mead (Honey wine)
93. Comedy shows
94. Jazz Music
95. Organix line shampoo & conditioner
96. Diamonds
97. Hello Kitty
98. Going to cons
99. Down blankets
100. Finishing Lists!!! XD

32/100 done
ave a job that pays enough to support me and allows me to not be constantly stressed out about money if I'm just a bit careful.
My free education
Being healthy in general
All my loved ones being healthy in general
One of my oldest plants nearly died but I rescued it by moving it on to another window sill where it gets more light
One of the cacti I sowed a couple of years ago had had a sudden growth spurt while I wasn't paying attention to it
Snow in all its manifestations - soon it'll be sparkling white drifts of snow like diamonds in the sunlight
Prescription sunglasses
This gorgeous new nail polish I just put on. It's slate grey with a slight purple shimmer
Living near the arctic circle and experiencing the changing length of the day
The smell of clean laundry
Living with someone who makes me laugh every day
Having a good relationship with my mom
Good shoes
That I get to go to therapy, the dentist and gyno for free
Not having glaucoma
Knitting, spinning, cross stitching
A clean kitchen
A well-organized wardrobe - being able to reach my hand in there without thinking about it and grab clothes that fit me and look good and smell good
Songs that might as well have been written about me
The luxuries of having my own dishwasher & washing machine
Well-fitting jeans
Warm toes
Earl Grey and the jar I keep it in
Hormonal birth control that controls my acne nearly perfectly
The pieces of jewelry and perfume I wear every day
Angry recipes like the taco meat ball soup recipe I saw the other day that has no link but I have that shit saved away for later on the computer, fuck yeah
My bicycle with the lights and the basket and the reflectors
My bicycle helmet
My wind resistant hat that I wear under my helmet and under my hand-knitted hats
The design of this apartment and the fact that it's warm
The fact that the arm I broke last summer bothers me less and less all the time.
ave a job that pays enough to support me and allows me to not be constantly stressed out about money if I'm just a bit careful.
My free education
Being healthy in general
All my loved ones being healthy in general
One of my oldest plants nearly died but I rescued it by moving it on to another window sill where it gets more light
One of the cacti I sowed a couple of years ago had had a sudden growth spurt while I wasn't paying attention to it
Snow in all its manifestations - soon it'll be sparkling white drifts of snow like diamonds in the sunlight
Prescription sunglasses
This gorgeous new nail polish I just put on. It's slate grey with a slight purple shimmer
Living near the arctic circle and experiencing the changing length of the day
The smell of clean laundry
Living with someone who makes me laugh every day
Having a good relationship with my mom
Good shoes
That I get to go to therapy, the dentist and gyno for free
Not having glaucoma
Knitting, spinning, cross stitching
A clean kitchen
A well-organized wardrobe - being able to reach my hand in there without thinking about it and grab clothes that fit me and look good and smell good
Songs that might as well have been written about me
The luxuries of having my own dishwasher & washing machine
Well-fitting jeans
Warm toes
Earl Grey and the jar I keep it in
Hormonal birth control that controls my acne nearly perfectly
The pieces of jewelry and perfume I wear every day
Angry recipes like the taco meat ball soup recipe I saw the other day that has no link but I have that shit saved away for later on the computer, fuck yeah
My bicycle with the lights and the basket and the reflectors
My bicycle helmet
My wind resistant hat that I wear under my helmet and under my hand-knitted hats
The design of this apartment and the fact that it's warm
The fact that the arm I broke last summer bothers me less and less all the time.

1) Sam
2) My family
3) My friends
4) Weekends
5) Books
6) Horror movies
7) Jelly beans
8) My relationship with my biological family
9) Pajamas
10) Lazy days
11) French fries
12) Sushi
13) Movie days
14) Sleep
15) Twitter
16) Quiet
17) Naps
18) Spring
19) Fall
20) Book club
21) Dogs
22) Singing in the car
23) Long, hot showers
24) Vacations
25) New York
26) BEA
27) Laughing with friends
28) Dinner with friends
29) Cheesecake
30) Miss Shirley's
31) Romantic comedies
32) Guilty pleasures
33) TV show marathons
34) Sunflowers
35) Cake
36) Jamie's dip
37) The first warm day of the year
38) Walking on grass in bare feet
39) Thrasher's french fries
40) The Haunted House
41) The Matterhorn (sigh)
42) The Tilt-a-Whirl
43) The Zipper
44) Nothing I have to do
45) Magazines
46) Popcorn
47) Seeing movies in the theater
48) Junk food
49) Long conversations
50) Halloween
51) Salt and vinegar potato chips
52) Ice cream
53) Margaritas
54) Chipotle steak burrito bols
55) Bacon
56) Roast beef sandwiches
57) The smell of books
58) Stephen King
59) When authors I love release a new book
60) Getting a book I really want to read early
61) Possibilities
62) When bad scenarios don't come true
63) Laughter
64) Baby smiles
65) Bob
66) Paul
67) Field trips
68) Free food
69) A feeling of accomplishment
70) Raises
71) Long weekends
72) Hope
73) The Way We Were
74) Barack Obama getting elected
75) Knowing that I'm where I'm supposed to be
76) Beatles songs
77) Being just a little tipsy
78) Scary movie conventions
79) Spending time with friends I don't see often
80) Seeing other people singing in their cars
81) Rocky IV
82) The Princess Bride
83) Dirty Dancing
84) Movies with Tina Fey
85) Parks and Recreation
86) 30 Rock
87) Breaking Bad
88) Creme brulee
89) Cake pops
90) Cupcakes
91) Puppies
92) Laughing at coworker's writing
93) Laughing at different coworker's spelling
94) Laughing at myself
95) Indigo Girls songs
96) Red Letter Day songs
97) Tattoos
98) Good quotes
99) The Big Bang Theory
100) In jokes
2) My family
3) My friends
4) Weekends
5) Books
6) Horror movies
7) Jelly beans
8) My relationship with my biological family
9) Pajamas
10) Lazy days
11) French fries
12) Sushi
13) Movie days
14) Sleep
15) Twitter
16) Quiet
17) Naps
18) Spring
19) Fall
20) Book club
21) Dogs
22) Singing in the car
23) Long, hot showers
24) Vacations
25) New York
26) BEA
27) Laughing with friends
28) Dinner with friends
29) Cheesecake
30) Miss Shirley's
31) Romantic comedies
32) Guilty pleasures
33) TV show marathons
34) Sunflowers
35) Cake
36) Jamie's dip
37) The first warm day of the year
38) Walking on grass in bare feet
39) Thrasher's french fries
40) The Haunted House
41) The Matterhorn (sigh)
42) The Tilt-a-Whirl
43) The Zipper
44) Nothing I have to do
45) Magazines
46) Popcorn
47) Seeing movies in the theater
48) Junk food
49) Long conversations
50) Halloween
51) Salt and vinegar potato chips
52) Ice cream
53) Margaritas
54) Chipotle steak burrito bols
55) Bacon
56) Roast beef sandwiches
57) The smell of books
58) Stephen King
59) When authors I love release a new book
60) Getting a book I really want to read early
61) Possibilities
62) When bad scenarios don't come true
63) Laughter
64) Baby smiles
65) Bob
66) Paul
67) Field trips
68) Free food
69) A feeling of accomplishment
70) Raises
71) Long weekends
72) Hope
73) The Way We Were
74) Barack Obama getting elected
75) Knowing that I'm where I'm supposed to be
76) Beatles songs
77) Being just a little tipsy
78) Scary movie conventions
79) Spending time with friends I don't see often
80) Seeing other people singing in their cars
81) Rocky IV
82) The Princess Bride
83) Dirty Dancing
84) Movies with Tina Fey
85) Parks and Recreation
86) 30 Rock
87) Breaking Bad
88) Creme brulee
89) Cake pops
90) Cupcakes
91) Puppies
92) Laughing at coworker's writing
93) Laughing at different coworker's spelling
94) Laughing at myself
95) Indigo Girls songs
96) Red Letter Day songs
97) Tattoos
98) Good quotes
99) The Big Bang Theory
100) In jokes

Not as easy as I thought.


(001) Carina
(002) Mister Softee Shakes
(003) Lighting Bugs
(004) Kitty for a Hippie
(005) Brunch
(002) Mister Softee Shakes
(003) Lighting Bugs
(004) Kitty for a Hippie
(005) Brunch

21/08/10 this is harder than I thought!! made a start

COMPLETED on: Friday, March 4, 2011 at 8:25pm
1. My mom
2. My dogs, Hamish and Ivey
3. Rain storms
4. Making myself really delicious flavorful meals, like eggs or sandwiches, etc.
5. Snow
6. Music
7. Playing Seasons of Love or the Moonlight Sonata on the piano
8. The mistletoe/pine candle Griffin gave me for Christmas
9. Getting really great grades on things that were difficult for me
10. Having movie nights with all my friends
11. Shopping (at Target, but also just in general) :)
12. Going grocery shopping late at night and just in general
13. Soulard Farmer's Market
14. Staying at home on weekends and watching old movies with my mom
15. Really superb books or movies that maybe make me cry because they're so deep/emotional/good
16. Drinking milkshakes at Jennifer's with friends on Fridays
17. Walking past Jack B's house and wondering...
18. Movie nights at Jack's house with Gabe and Jack
19. Mrs. Wucher
20. Running as fast as I possibly can and getting that feeling like I'm flying
21. Writing in my journal
22. Gabriel Miller, John Christian, and Eduardo Espinoza
23. Kidnapping my friends for there birthdays
24. Accidentally falling asleep on the couch then waking up at like 5am only to go to bed to sleep some more
25. Curling up with a ton of warm, big, fuzzy blankets and lots of pillows and reading a good book
26. Spending an entire weekend reading the entire Harry Potter series
27. Chocolate
28. Lima beans, Hawaiian punch (sometimes), spinach, PEACHES, Ramen,
29. That perfection in the morning when you perfectly toast a sesame seed bagel and put just enough but not too much cream cheese on, mmm...
30. Discussing the world/other issues with Cleo
31. Not knowing (sometimes)
32. Biking and taking pictures while biking
33. Being crazy and hyper and random and weird and different
34. Walking to school, to friends houses, to other places--just being able to walk
35. Guilty pleasure TV Pretty Little Liars every once in awhile
36. Bones, Grey's Anatomy and Gilmore Girls--and talking about them with Cleo and Maggie and Psych, 30 Rock, SNL, and all those other good shows
37. Volunteering and playing Yahtzee with the elderly people! They're so competitive...:)
38. Accomplishing/Checking things off of my Day Zero Project
39. Playing kickball with 2nd grade boys (not creepily)
40. Babysitting. Little kids are just SO adorable.
41. Helping my friends when they're down and seeing them go from depressed to happy/relieved
42. Laughing so hard it hurts
43. Playing catch with tangerines during lunch
44. Wearing something that makes me feel irresistible
45. Taking pictures
46. Getting that one perfect picture which takes your breath away because you're so surprised YOU took it and it is just artistic, beautiful, emotional, dark, deep, etc
47. Talking back to commercials
48. The instantness of the Internet: Facebook, Gmail, Google, chatting online, just the amazingness of the Internet
49. Going to the Symphony with my mom
50. Swimming in the ocean and diving under/feeling the waves.
51. Tasting the salt water in your mouth from the ocean/feeling it on you're skin/smelling it in the air
52. Playing Cut the Rope on my iTouch--->SO cute
53. Drinking all types of tea especially Earl Grey with Lavender and milk sugar, and except Oolong
54. Talking to my Aunt Rebecca or Grandmama
55. That feeling of being on top of the world
56. Swinging on swings
57. Windy days
58. Seeing pictures of me when I was little/my sister was little
59. Going outside when it is raining and just feeling the rain on my skin
60. Sticking my head out the window when I'm at the Conservation area and just feeling the sun, the wind blowing my hair, etc
61. Being with my dad when we its just us two and we're just hanging out not talking about anything relating to us
62. Watching my mom laugh/making her laugh
63. Wishing at 11:11pm every night (that I remember...)
64. Finding good books at libraries that when you first pick up, expect it to be bad, but then take it home, read it, then LOVE it!
65. Falling asleep after a long day
66. Weekends
67. Dressing up for no reason at all except to dress up
68. Watching John/Hank Green videos on Youtube
69. Cous Cous my giraffe from Build-a-Bear
70. Reading my old journal entries when I couldn't spell/was really silly/and other stuff
71. Christmas and the whole holiday season
72. Hot chocolate in the middle of the summer
73. The Lion King, Aladdin, Mulan, and all my other favorite movies from when I was a kid.
74. Being in the Student Run Musical--> Little Shop of Horrors
75. Taking showers in the dark (and not, of course)
76. Being flexible/being able to do the splits
77. Having a family
78. When my nails are bright shades like electric blue, teal, green, purple, RED, hot pink, etc
79. Laying in grass
80. Summer time
81. Singing at random times
82. I talk gibberish in my sleep
83. When classical music gets stuck in my head, because how is that possible/how often does that even happen?
84. Watching other people eat something I made/took a long time making and seeing how they react
85. Dancing. Just moving to the music. Feeling the music. Being the music through movement.
86. Correctly guessing what someone is feeling/thinking
87. Learning new big impressive words
88. Doing really really well on Mrs. Wien's really hard History tests
89. The end of my braces is in sight.
90. Supporting causes I believe in like PeopleforBikes
91. Making small decisions that I know will make me a better person:healthier/happier/more confident
92. When little kids tell you exactly what they're thinking
93. Acting crazy around that one group of people who are sort of condescending (?)
94. Watching futbol games
95. Thinking about romances/future/possible boyfriends
96. Being present
97. Loving what I'm doing and being passionate about it
98. Sneezing
99. Watching the people walk past me and seeing there faces: whether they're happy or sad or melancholy or gleeful or tired or hungry or anything in between
100. Being ME!
1. My mom
2. My dogs, Hamish and Ivey
3. Rain storms
4. Making myself really delicious flavorful meals, like eggs or sandwiches, etc.
5. Snow
6. Music
7. Playing Seasons of Love or the Moonlight Sonata on the piano
8. The mistletoe/pine candle Griffin gave me for Christmas
9. Getting really great grades on things that were difficult for me
10. Having movie nights with all my friends
11. Shopping (at Target, but also just in general) :)
12. Going grocery shopping late at night and just in general
13. Soulard Farmer's Market
14. Staying at home on weekends and watching old movies with my mom
15. Really superb books or movies that maybe make me cry because they're so deep/emotional/good
16. Drinking milkshakes at Jennifer's with friends on Fridays
17. Walking past Jack B's house and wondering...
18. Movie nights at Jack's house with Gabe and Jack
19. Mrs. Wucher
20. Running as fast as I possibly can and getting that feeling like I'm flying
21. Writing in my journal
22. Gabriel Miller, John Christian, and Eduardo Espinoza
23. Kidnapping my friends for there birthdays
24. Accidentally falling asleep on the couch then waking up at like 5am only to go to bed to sleep some more
25. Curling up with a ton of warm, big, fuzzy blankets and lots of pillows and reading a good book
26. Spending an entire weekend reading the entire Harry Potter series
27. Chocolate
28. Lima beans, Hawaiian punch (sometimes), spinach, PEACHES, Ramen,
29. That perfection in the morning when you perfectly toast a sesame seed bagel and put just enough but not too much cream cheese on, mmm...
30. Discussing the world/other issues with Cleo
31. Not knowing (sometimes)
32. Biking and taking pictures while biking
33. Being crazy and hyper and random and weird and different
34. Walking to school, to friends houses, to other places--just being able to walk
35. Guilty pleasure TV Pretty Little Liars every once in awhile
36. Bones, Grey's Anatomy and Gilmore Girls--and talking about them with Cleo and Maggie and Psych, 30 Rock, SNL, and all those other good shows
37. Volunteering and playing Yahtzee with the elderly people! They're so competitive...:)
38. Accomplishing/Checking things off of my Day Zero Project
39. Playing kickball with 2nd grade boys (not creepily)
40. Babysitting. Little kids are just SO adorable.
41. Helping my friends when they're down and seeing them go from depressed to happy/relieved
42. Laughing so hard it hurts
43. Playing catch with tangerines during lunch
44. Wearing something that makes me feel irresistible
45. Taking pictures
46. Getting that one perfect picture which takes your breath away because you're so surprised YOU took it and it is just artistic, beautiful, emotional, dark, deep, etc
47. Talking back to commercials
48. The instantness of the Internet: Facebook, Gmail, Google, chatting online, just the amazingness of the Internet
49. Going to the Symphony with my mom
50. Swimming in the ocean and diving under/feeling the waves.
51. Tasting the salt water in your mouth from the ocean/feeling it on you're skin/smelling it in the air
52. Playing Cut the Rope on my iTouch--->SO cute
53. Drinking all types of tea especially Earl Grey with Lavender and milk sugar, and except Oolong
54. Talking to my Aunt Rebecca or Grandmama
55. That feeling of being on top of the world
56. Swinging on swings
57. Windy days
58. Seeing pictures of me when I was little/my sister was little
59. Going outside when it is raining and just feeling the rain on my skin
60. Sticking my head out the window when I'm at the Conservation area and just feeling the sun, the wind blowing my hair, etc
61. Being with my dad when we its just us two and we're just hanging out not talking about anything relating to us
62. Watching my mom laugh/making her laugh
63. Wishing at 11:11pm every night (that I remember...)
64. Finding good books at libraries that when you first pick up, expect it to be bad, but then take it home, read it, then LOVE it!
65. Falling asleep after a long day
66. Weekends
67. Dressing up for no reason at all except to dress up
68. Watching John/Hank Green videos on Youtube
69. Cous Cous my giraffe from Build-a-Bear
70. Reading my old journal entries when I couldn't spell/was really silly/and other stuff
71. Christmas and the whole holiday season
72. Hot chocolate in the middle of the summer
73. The Lion King, Aladdin, Mulan, and all my other favorite movies from when I was a kid.
74. Being in the Student Run Musical--> Little Shop of Horrors
75. Taking showers in the dark (and not, of course)
76. Being flexible/being able to do the splits
77. Having a family
78. When my nails are bright shades like electric blue, teal, green, purple, RED, hot pink, etc
79. Laying in grass
80. Summer time
81. Singing at random times
82. I talk gibberish in my sleep
83. When classical music gets stuck in my head, because how is that possible/how often does that even happen?
84. Watching other people eat something I made/took a long time making and seeing how they react
85. Dancing. Just moving to the music. Feeling the music. Being the music through movement.
86. Correctly guessing what someone is feeling/thinking
87. Learning new big impressive words
88. Doing really really well on Mrs. Wien's really hard History tests
89. The end of my braces is in sight.
90. Supporting causes I believe in like PeopleforBikes
91. Making small decisions that I know will make me a better person:healthier/happier/more confident
92. When little kids tell you exactly what they're thinking
93. Acting crazy around that one group of people who are sort of condescending (?)
94. Watching futbol games
95. Thinking about romances/future/possible boyfriends
96. Being present
97. Loving what I'm doing and being passionate about it
98. Sneezing
99. Watching the people walk past me and seeing there faces: whether they're happy or sad or melancholy or gleeful or tired or hungry or anything in between
100. Being ME!

Completed over a couple days.....common themes: family, friends, crafts, outdoor activities, new/beautiful places & joys in simple things! :)


Hiking Camping Scuba Diving Baking Snorkeling Cooking Skiing Meditation Surfing Snowboarding Swimming Writing Biking Gardening Laughter Yoga Dancing Running Singing Volunteering Helping Others Sunshine
Other recently added goals...