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🏖 Spend a day at the beach / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🏄♂️ Learn to surf / Go to the beach / 🌊 Swim in the ocean / Write a list of 100 things that make me happy / 🌺 Visit Hawaii UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🌴 Go to Hawaii / 🏄♂️ Try surfing / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / Go swimming in the sea / Go to California / 🌴 Visit California UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Swim in an ocean / Drive the Pacific Coast Highway CALIFORNIA / Travel to Australia / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Get a new hobby / Travel to Hawaii / Spend a whole day at the beach / 🌴 Visit Bali INDONESIA / Camp on a beach / Travel to California / Go to Austrailia / Swim in every ocean / Take surfing lessons / Visit Morocco / Go to the seaside / 🗿 Visit Easter Island CHILE / 🏖️ Camp on the beach / Go to Costa Rica / Visit the UK / Vacation in Hawaii / Visit Australia and/or New Zealand / Visit the seaside / Take a tropical vacation / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / Go to Bali / Surf in Hawaii / Travel to Australia and New Zealand / Visit Costa Rica / 🧭 Get lost in a different country / Go on a tropical holiday or cruise / Visit Australia / New Zealand / Go to Brazil / Go to San Diego / Visit a local beach / Travel to Australia / New Zealand / 🏄♂️ Try wakeboarding / 🌬️ Go windsurfing / Go swimming in every ocean / Go to Fiji / Go to Australia and New Zealand / Travel to the West Coast / 🇳🇿 Travel to each end of New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Visit Peru / 🌴 Visit Waikiki Beach HAWAII / Travel to Australia/New Zealand / Move to California / Surf / Travel to Costa Rica / Visit Cornwall / Learn to wakeboard / 🇳🇿 Travel around New Zealand / Visit the Outer Banks NORTH CAROLINA / 🇳🇿 See New Zealand / Travel to Portugal / Swim in a lake or ocean / Go to New Zealand or Australia / 🪁 Go kite surfing / Visit Maui HAWAII / 🏝️ Visit a Pacific Island / Visit Honolulu HAWAII / Visit Devon ENGLAND / Go to New Zealand and Australia / Learn kitesurfing / Explore South America / Take a surfing lesson / Visit the Pacific Islands / Visit Kauai HAWAII / Find the best beach in the world / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Experience the Shubenacadie tidal bore CANADA / Visit the California North Coast CALIFORNIA / 🌴 Visit Barbados / Sleep on a beach / Visit Bondi Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Papua New Guinea / Take a vacation to California / Buy a longboard / Visit Fernando de Noronha BRAZIL / Visit Sri Lanka / Hang out on Cannon Beach OREGON / Spend the day in Seaside OREGON / Visit San Sebastian SPAIN / 🇳🇮 Visit Nicaragua / Visit the Pacific Ocean / Travel around South America / Swim in the sea at night / Visit Byron Bay AUSTRALIA / Go to Easter Island / Live in California / 🏄 Try Sandboarding in Peru PERU / Visit Tofino CANADA / Visit Panama / Spend the day at a beach in Okinawa JAPAN / Visit Cape Verde / Learn to windsurf / Go to Nicaragua / Visit Rottnest Island AUSTRALIA / Visit the Gulf of California MEXICO / Visit the Oregon Coast / Visit Noosa Heads AUSTRALIA / Take a surf lesson in San Diego CALIFORNIA / Visit the Uruguayan Riviera URUGUAY / Visit Western Australia AUSTRALIA / Try longboarding / Spend the day at Zandvoort beach in Haarlem NETHERLANDS / 🏰 Visit San Salvador EL SALVADOR / 🇸🇻 Visit El Salvador / 🐠 See the giant coral boulders in Bathsheba BARBADOS / Explore the Pacific Rim National Park on Vancouver Island CANADA / Visit Barahona DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Gold Coast AUSTRALIA / Try kitesurfing / Visit Uruguay / Visit Philip Island AUSTRALIA / Explore the Atlantic beaches at Cadiz SPAIN / Visit Virginia Beach VIRGINIA / Visit the Coromandel NEW ZEALAND / Swing in Tanjung Aan Beach in Indonesia INDONESIA / Explore Sydney Harbour's Beaches AUSTRALIA / Surf the Lost Coast CALIFORNIA / Live at the beach / Visit Montauk NEW YORK / Visit a tropical island / Take surf lessons / Swim in the Pacific / Visit Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA / Camp out on the beach / Kite surf / Camp in Big Sur CALIFORNIA / 🏖️ Sunbathe at Kuta Beach INDONESIA / Explore Montezuma COSTA RICA / Visit Todos Santos MEXICO / Visit Tamuda Bay / Spend the day at the beach at Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Visit Santa Monica CALIFORNIA / Take a vacation to Hawaii / Travel somewhere tropical / Spend a day at a beach / Visit Central America / Visit Hanga Roa EASTER ISLAND / 🏖️ Visit Praia CAPE VERDE / Visit Samoa / Visit the Atlantic Ocean / Visit Malibu LOS ANGELES / Visit Fire Island NEW YORK / Visit Oahu HAWAII / Visit the Canary Islands SPAIN / Live in Hawaii / 🇸🇱 Visit Sierra Leone / 🇱🇷 Visit Liberia / Visit Santa Cruz Boardwalk CALIFORNIA / Visit Waikiki HAWAII / Try bungy jumping / Go camping on a beach / Visit Coogee Beach AUSTRALIA / Roadtrip down the Great Ocean Road AUSTRALIA / Visit Ipanema beach BRAZIL / Visit Hot Water Beach NEW ZEALAND / Visit Sunshine Coast AUSTRALIA / Travel to a state I haven't visited before / 🌴 Travel to Cape Verde / Go to Barbados / Paddle the Outer Banks NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Holkham Beach ENGLAND / Go windsurfing in the Essaouira Beach MOROCCO / Go kitesurfing in Tarifa SPAIN / Take the ferry to Manly Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Malpais COSTA RICA / Visit Essaouira MOROCCO / Visit the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel HAWAII / Explore the Central California Coast CALIFORNIA / Swim in the beaches at Dakhla Bay MOROCCO / Spend the day at the beaches at the Pomeranian coast POLAND / Take a vacation to an island / Visit the Andaman Coast THAILAND / Spend the Day at Kailua Beach HAWAII / Go beach hopping in Esmeraldas ECUADOR / Visit Coffs Harbour AUSTRALIA / See Jack Johnson in concert / Visit Southern California / Drive the Pan-American Highway / Visit all the Hawaiian Islands HAWAII / Learn how to kite surf / Learn how to paddle board / Visit Biarritz FRANCE / Buy a surfboard / Try kiteboarding / Live on the West Coast / Go surfing in the beaches of Montañita ECUADOR / Bodysurf the Wedge CALIFORNIA / Kiteboard Maui's North Shore HAWAII / Surf in the Pacific Ocean / Surf at Bondi Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Lakes Entrance AUSTRALIA / Visit Scheveningen NETHERLANDS / Take a vacation to Costa Rica / Take to the waves at Jeffrey's Bay near Port Elizabeth SOUTH AFRICA / Windsurf on Tiree SCOTLAND / Windsurf across the waters of Lake Arenal COSTA RICA / Visit Iquique CHILE / Hit the beach with a Lusitano thoroughbred PORTUGAL / Have a go at any water sport along the coast PORTUGAL / Visit Huanchaco PERU / Visit North Stradbroke Island AUSTRALIA / Travel to the South Seas / Visit Enoshima JAPAN / Put My Feet in the Ocean / 🌴 Visit Ubatuba BRAZIL / Visit Coronado CALIFORNIA / Visit Yyteri FINLAND / Take a surf class / Buy my own surfboard / Paint my own surfboard / Visit Nayarit MEXICO / Visit Tamarama Beach, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Bronte Beach, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Zambales PHILIPPINES / Visit Phillip Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Pais Vasco SPAIN / Have someone follow me on Bucketlist / Go Sand Surfing / Go surfing... In Hawaii / Learn how to kiteboard / Visit Lahaina HAWAII / Visit Geraldton AUSTRALIA / Visit Mar del Plata ARGENTINA / Visit Caloundra AUSTRALIA / Visit Jimmy's Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Tauranga NEW ZEALAND / Visit Melides / Visit Laguna Beach CALIFORNIA / Body surf through Ottawa River's rapids using a river-board CANADA / Surf in one of the surfing camps off southern Viti Levu FIJI / Go windsurfing in the Mamanuca FIJI / 🏖️ Indulge in watersports at Kokrobite beach GHANA / Go surfing in Midigama SRI LANKA / Catch surf barrels in the warm waters near Ifaty Beach MADAGASCAR / Spend the day at Dorale beach DJIBOUTI / Windsurf in the waters around Cabarate DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Kite surf in Sardinia ITALY / Stay in Asilah on the Atlantic Coast MOROCCO / Buy a VW van / Surf the reefs around Cloud Nine PHILIPPINES / Surf the Margaret River AUSTRALIA / Visit Narragansett RHODE ISLAND / Visit Port Aransas TEXAS / Visit the Honolulu Surfing Museum HAWAII / Visit all the places in the song "Kokomo" by Beach Boys / Visit Pichilemu CHILE / Go swimming in Bernard's Beach LIBERIA / Visit Huntington Beach CALIFORNIA / Celebrate Australia Day AUSTRALIA / Spend a full day on the beach / Go kiteboarding / Visit Montauk Point NEW YORK / Surf the waves in one Cape Verde beaches CAPE VERDE / Visit Punta del Diablo URUGUAY / Visit Bat Galim Beach ISRAEL / Visit Donkey Beach HAWAII / Indulge in watersports in Mayumba and Cap Esterias GABON / Spend a weekend at La Cocotera resort and ecolodge EL SALVADOR / Travel along the Ruta de las Flores EL SALVADOR / Surf in the uncrowded waters of Las Flores EL SALVADOR / Indulge in watersports in Soufrière DOMINICA / Slide down the dunes at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Agadir MOROCCO / Visit Eastham MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Nuqui COLOMBIA / Visit the International Surfing Museum CALIFORNIA / Visit Kiholo Bay HAWAII / Visit Sanur INDONESIA / Spend the day at Mullins Beach BARBADOS / Go windsurfing off Sylt's North Sea Coast GERMANY / Windsurf in Poole Harbour ENGLAND / Surf the Pacific swell at San Miguel MEXICO / Surf in the Mentawai Islands of Sumatra INDONESIA / Surf in the Desert Point in Lombok INDONESIA / Visit St Ives, Cornwall UNITED KINGDOM / Windsurf at South Point BARBADOS / Try a variety of watersports in the Italian Riviera in Liguria ITALY / Surf in Thurso SCOTLAND / Go wind-surfing near the Straits of Gibraltar SPAIN / Ride the waves in Arugam Bay SRI LANKA / Surf in Australia / Surf at Alofay Bay AMERICAN SAMOA / Indulge in watersports in Costinesti ROMANIA /