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🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🤿 Go scuba diving / 🌊 Swim in the ocean / Write a list of 100 things that make me happy / 🌺 Visit Hawaii UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🌴 Go to Hawaii / 🤿 Dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 🌴 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / Go swimming in the sea / 🐠 Visit the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Swim in the sea / 🇹🇭 Visit Thailand / 🏝️ Visit the Maldives MALDIVES / Take pictures with a disposable underwater camera / 🤿 Go snorkeling in a shipwreck / See the ocean / Swim in an ocean / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🐢 Swim with sea turtles / Go to Thailand / Travel to Hawaii / Spend a whole day at the beach / 🐟 Take photos underwater / Go to Austrailia / Swim in every ocean / 🐠 Take pictures underwater / Swim in the Mediterranean / 🏊♂️ Learn how to dive / See the Great Barrier Reef / 🤿 Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🐢 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / Go to the Caribbean / Vacation in Hawaii / Visit the seaside / Take a tropical vacation / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / 🤿 Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Go to Jamaica / Go on a tropical holiday or cruise / Go to the Bahamas / Visit Seychelles / Visit Bora Bora FRENCH POLYNESIA / 🐢 Visit the Galapagos Islands National Park ECUADOR / Scuba dive / 🚤 Go to Key West / Go swimming in every ocean / Go to the Great Barrier Reef / Drive from Miami to Key West FLORIDA / Go to Fiji / 🌴 Visit the Bahamas / Go to Australia and New Zealand / Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef / Swim with manatees / 🇫🇯 Visit Fiji / 🏊♂️ Swim with whale sharks / Visit Komodo National Park INDONESIA / Visit the Florida Keys FLORIDA / Swim in the mediterranean sea ITALY / Go snorkeling in a coral reef or a shipwreck / 🇧🇿 Visit Belize / Swim in a lake or ocean / Visit Cabo San Lucas MEXICO / Visit Key West FLORIDA / Visit Maui HAWAII / 🏝️ Visit a Pacific Island / Go to the Florida Keys / Visit Honolulu HAWAII / Swim in a Bioluminescent Bay / 🛳️ Visit Nassau BAHAMAS / Swim with a whale shark / 🏝️ Visit the British Virgin Islands / ⛵ Visit Catalina Island / 🐠 Visit Saba Marine National Park NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / 🇩🇴 Visit the Dominican Republic / Scuba dive off Australia's Great Barrier Reef / Visit the Pacific Islands / Explore the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / 🐠 Visit Lord Howe Island AUSTRALIA / Spend a day in Islas Cies SPAIN / Visit Kauai HAWAII / Find the best beach in the world / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / 🌴 Visit Barbados / 🤿 Scuba dive with manta rays / Snorkel the reefs in Barbados BARBADOS / See a coral reef / Swim with whale sharks on Ningaloo Reef AUSTRALIA / Visit Fernando de Noronha BRAZIL / Visit the Great Barrier Reef Islands AUSTRALIA / Visit Krabi THAILAND / 💦 Dive the Red Sea / See a manatee / Visit Aruba NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🏝️ Visit the Virgin Islands UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Travel to Fiji / See where the rainforest meets the sea in the Daintree AUSTRALIA / 🌴 Visit Cancun MEXICO / 🐠 Visit Belize Barrier Reef BELIZE / 🏝️ Visit Saint Lucia / Travel to Belize / Visit the NaPali Coast on Kauai HAWAII / 🤿 Go Scuba Diving in the Cancun Underwater Museum MEXICO / Witness a sardine run on South Africa's coast SOUTH AFRICA / Parasail / Visit the Pacific Ocean / 🤿 Scuba dive in Hawaii / Visit Shark Bay, Western Australia AUSTRALIA / 🌊 Visit Cathedral Cove NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Cambodian Coast CAMBODIA / Sail the Whitsundays AUSTRALIA / 🏊♂️ Go snorkeling in Belize / Learn to snorkel / Visit Byron Bay AUSTRALIA / 🏝️ Spend a few days at a Great Barrier Reef island AUSTRALIA / Visit Trinidad and Tobago / 🏝️ Visit Dry Tortugas National Park FLORIDA / Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Visit Panama City PANAMA / Visit Boracay PHILIPPINES / Visit Panama / Visit New Caledonia FRANCE / Visit French Polynesia / Swim with turtles / Visit Biscayne National Park FLORIDA / 🌴 Visit San Juan PUERTO RICO / 🤿 Scuba dive in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Go snorkeling at Great Barrier Island NEW ZEALAND / 🌴 Visit Ishigaki Island JAPAN / Spend the day at a beach in Okinawa JAPAN / Explore the Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park GRENADA / Visit Bermuda UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Cape Verde / Dive in the Seychelles / Visit Paros GREECE / 🌴 Visit Guadeloupe FRANCE / Visit Zanzibar / Visit Rottnest Island AUSTRALIA / Explore Great Barrier Island NEW ZEALAND / 🐟 Swim with a school of fish / Visit the National Park of American Samoa AMERICAN SAMOA / 🌴 Visit Virgin Islands National Park UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / Visit the Gulf of California MEXICO / Visit the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument HAWAII / Visit Vanuatu / Take a boat out to see the Blue Hole BELIZE / Walk on the pale pink sands of Harbour Island BAHAMAS / Dive in the red sea / Visit Solomon Islands / 🏝️ Visit the Whitsunday Islands AUSTRALIA / 🤿 Scuba-dive off the coast of Greece GREECE / Visit Isla Holbox MEXICO / See the Sea of Cortez Mexico / Swim in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🇭🇳 Visit Honduras / Visit Western Australia AUSTRALIA / Take a cruise to Belize / 🍹 Visit Phuket THAILAND / Swim in the Blue Grotto at the Isle of Capri ITALY / Visit Palawan PHILIPPINES / Visit Coral Bay UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / Visit Luxor EGYPT / Vacation in the Bahamas BAHAMAS / Visit Cebu PHILIPPINES / Visit American Samoa UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🏰 Visit San Salvador EL SALVADOR / 🌊 Swim with stingrays / Visit the Sian Ka'an biosphere reserve MEXICO / Scuba dive in Belize / Visit Turks and Caicos / Bathe in a cenote (a deep natural sinkhole) in the Yucatan MEXICO / Visit Maya Bay THAILAND / Snorkel in the Belize Barrier Reef BELIZE / Visit Whitehaven Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Oman / Visit St. George's GRENADA / Explore the James Bond Island, Ko Ping Kan THAILAND / Visit the Ningaloo Coast AUSTRALIA / Visit Moorea FRENCH POLYNESIA / Spend the day on the shores of Caye Caulker BELIZE / Take the family to a Great Barrier Reef island AUSTRALIA / Visit the Yucatan Peninsula MEXICO / Swim with bottle nosed dolphins in the waist high pools of the Blue Lagoon BAHAMAS / Visit Hanauma Bay HAWAII / Visit the Blue Caves at Zakynthos Island GREECE / Visit Cartagena COLOMBIA / Visit Bridgetown BARBADOS / Arrange for a day trip to Phi Phi Island THAILAND / Swim with whales / Visit a tropical island / Swim in the Pacific / Visit the Valdes Peninsula ARGENTINA / Visit Curacao / Take a vacation to the Carribean / Take a vacation to the Caribbean / Snorkel in Hawaii HAWAII / Explore Sydney Harbour's Beaches AUSTRALIA / Swim in the shallows of Half Moon Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Swim with the nurse sharks in the waters of Hol Chan Marine Reserve BELIZE / Visit Puerto Plata DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Spend the day at the Coral Bay Beach CYPRUS / Visit Male MALDIVES / Go whale watching at Ogasawara Islands JAPAN / Holiday in the Maldives / Dive in some of the underwater gardens in Montego Bay Marine Park JAMAICA / 🤿 Snorkel in the waters off Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Explore Montezuma COSTA RICA / Visit Manila Ocean Park PHILIPPINES / Visit Tuvalu / Visit Saint Kitts and Nevis / Visit Grenada / Visit Guam UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go diving in the Raja Ampat Islands INDONESIA / Visit Martinique FRANCE / Visit Tamuda Bay / Swim with a sea turtle / Visit Palau / Visit Dominica / Spend a day at a beach / Spend the day at the beach at Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Spend the weekend in one of the limestone islands at Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Snorkel with whale sharks at Donsol PHILIPPINES / Visit Tahiti FRENCH POLYNESIA / Swim in the otherworldly turquoise shades of Jambiani's waters TANZANIA / 🏖️ Visit Praia CAPE VERDE / 🤿 Go snorkeling in Hawaii HAWAII / Take a vacation to Hawaii / Visit Dry Tortugas FLORIDA / Go sailing on the Exumas archipelago BAHAMAS / Travel on a glass-bottomed boats for views of the reef from Dickenson Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Stay in an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora FRENCH POLYNESIA / Spot manatees in the Swallow Caye Marine Sanctuary BELIZE / Visit the Cocos (Keeling) Islands AUSTRALIA / Travel somewhere tropical / Visit Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park HAWAII / Visit Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park on the Big Island HAWAII / Visit Croatian Islands CROATIA / Visit El Nido PHILIPPINES / Lounge in the white sands of Carter Beach AMERICAN SAMOA / Visit the marine sanctuary of Pigeon Island SRI LANKA / Explore Inagua, an eco-lovers paradise BAHAMAS / Explore Redona ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Waikiki HAWAII / Go swimming in Flamingo Bay CYPRUS / Visit Victoria SEYCHELLES / Snorkel at Hanauma Bay HAWAII / Visit Sao Tome and Principe / Visit Honiara SOLOMON ISLANDS / Snorkel in the waters around Prison Island TANZANIA / Visit Equatorial Guinea / Visit Djibouti / See a whale shark / Live in Hawaii / Visit the Marshall Islands / Visit the Cook Islands / Travel to Vanuatu / Go to Barbados / Buy a waterproof camera / Go to Zanzibar by boat TANZANIA / Go scuba-diving in Kenya's Coral Coast KENYA / Snorkel at Las Sirenitas in Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park MEXICO / Explore Folkestone Marine Park BARBADOS / Camp on Lady Musgrave Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Pitcairn Islands / Visit Rocas Atoll (Atol das Rocas) BRAZIL / Visit Roseau DOMINICA / Visit Noumea NEW CALEDONIA / Visit a Caribbean island / Visit Papeete FRENCH POLYNESIA / Visit Sihanoukville CAMBODIA / Snorkel or scuba in the Red Sea, Eilat ISRAEL / See a shark in the wild / Visit Half Moon Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Snorkel in the waters near San Blas Islands PANAMA / Snorkel in Hikkaduwa SRI LANKA / Watch Humpback whales arrive to calf in the Tongan waters TONGA / Swim with sharks in the the Maldives MALDIVES / Visit Oia GREECE / Visit Isla Mujeres MEXICO / See the giant tortoises of Curieuse Island SEYCHELLES / Visit Stingray City Antigua ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Comino Island MALTA / Visit Cozumel MEXICO / Visit Portobelo PANAMA / Visit Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park HAWAII / Visit Praslin Island SEYCHELLES / Visit Anse Chastanet SAINT LUCIA / Dive at Silfra ICELAND / Visit the Bazaruto Archipelago MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Big Island HAWAII / Explore fields of coral at Cinque Islands in the Andamans INDIA / Go swimming with dolphins in the waters of the Indian Ocean off the coast MOZAMBIQUE / Enjoy swimming along the Sri Lankan palm fringed coast SRI LANKA / Dive in Nossi Be MADAGASCAR / Discover varied marine life and underwater gardens in the dive site of Toliara MADAGASCAR / Take a boat trip to the San Blas Islands PANAMA / Spend the day at the beaches of Paradise Island BAHAMAS / Go snorkeling at Hideaway Island VANUATU / Explore Santo's caves and Blue Hole VANUATU /