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Spend a day without technology

Originally I wanted one day per week or no TV, one day of no internet and one day of no phone but it might as well be incorporated into one goal like this, otherwise I will just procrastinate with one of the other things on the list.
This will probably one weekend day. I work part time (3 d (...more)
This will probably one weekend day. I work part time (3 d (...more)

Completed Sunday, May 29th.
No phone, iPad, TV, or computer!
No phone, iPad, TV, or computer!

Rather than the normal picture I do for these sorts of things I figured I'd see the "Day without technology" thing to completion and depict the day via drawing rather than photograph. I may come back and ink the thing some day but this is about the maximum of my artistic ability, so I sho (...more)

Trindade - RJ

I completed this as part of the Infomagic project!

Counting the days I spent in camp as technology-less days (After my phone fell in the water in Tobago!)

Failed attempt 2/15/15

Planned date: 2/15/15. Preapproved uses of technology:
1. Alarm clock on phone so I don't sleep all day
2. Car to go for coffee (otherwise I'm staying in for the day)
3. Phone to call and get a cribbage sub (I forgot and MUST do it)
All other uses are a no-go.
1. Alarm clock on phone so I don't sleep all day
2. Car to go for coffee (otherwise I'm staying in for the day)
3. Phone to call and get a cribbage sub (I forgot and MUST do it)
All other uses are a no-go.

luxemburgkamp 2014

I spent over a week without any reception and ability to contact the reality outside of my present one, and I can honestly say it was one of the best things I've ever done

Nature Relaxation Mindfulness Self-Care Meditation Reflection Minimalism Rejuvenation Solitude Peacefulness Digital Detox Unplugged Screen-Free Offline Internet-Free Technology-Free Simple Living Device-Free
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