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Cook something from a different country every month for a year
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On 382 lists and 11 people have done it.
In order from upper-left: Mali, Bosnia, India, Philippines, Russia, Panama, Egypt, Iraq, Laos, Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Mexico.
January- Mexican

February- Pancakes

March- Mexican

April- Canneloni

May- Scones

June- Foccacia

January - Jambalaya (USA)

February - Nasai goreng (Indonesia)

March - Muttar panir (India)

April - Ramen noodle soup (Japan)

May - Shakshouka (North Africa)
November - Usa

Dezember - Italien

Januar - Frankreich

Februar - Schweden

März - Österreich

April - Japan

Mai - Spanien

Juni - Portugal

Juli - Mexiko

August - Griechenland

September - Kanada

Oktober - Thailand


1. Mexico

2. India

3. Korea

4. Japan

5. France

6. Thailand

7. China

8. Germany

9. England

10. Hungary

11. Russia

12. Italy
America July (October 26th)
India June (October 15th)
Sept - Tanzania/Kenya
Starting again:

1. September -

2. October -

3. November-

4. December-

5. January-

6. February-

7. March

8. April

9. May

10. June

11. July

12. August
August (late) - South Africa
Japan May (June 13th)
Italy April (June 5th)
June (early) - Spain
France End Of March
1) China 2) Ireland 3) India
May - Germany (early)
March 2015 - Egypt

- USA: Banana Bread
Feb 2015 - Morocco
1. Cuba

2. Italy

3. France

4. Spain

5. Korea

6. Greece

7. Mexico

8. Turkey

9. Mongolia

10. Belgium

11. Egypt

12. Vietnam

13. Nigeria

14. Venezuela
November 2013- made Chicken Jalfrezi, an Indian dish.
Made ravioli stuffed with goats cheese and ricotta, October 2014.
September: Belguim (Stooflappen in bier en mosterd)
Made sushi rolls September 2014
August- Pad Thai - DONE

September- Guiness Stew










August: Italy (Spaghetti)
6. June: USA (Chili con carne)

7. July: Argentina (Chimichurri)
Ropa vieja from Spain
05/03/14 - Puerto Rico Night! Beans and rice! This was April's food night but we were away every month so there was that.
02/21/14 - Greece Night! Moussaka!
Annnddd....fail, I got busy in June and forgot...oh well start again.
5. May: France (Quiche)
March - Spicy Beef Salad (Thailand)

April - Oeuf Murrette (France)

May - Goulash (Hungary)
March - Moussaka - Greece

February - Beef Stroganoff - Russia

January - Cassoulet - France
4. April: Brazil (Brigadeiros)
October - Japan, Glazed salmon with bok choy & shiitake

November - Thailand - Pad Se Ew

December - Puerto Rico - Chicken Fricassee

January - Mexican - Fajitas

February - French - Steak Au Poivre

March - Irish - Corned Beef & Cabbage
3. March: Thailand (Green curry, pad thai, coconut soup, som yam)
Febuary: Crepes - with nutella and jam. took a little practice so the crepes looked like creped and not pancakes but the result was good..
We made pierogi and ravioli last month! Maybe we will make something Irish this month for St. Patrick's Day!
2. February: Jamaica (Jerk Chichen)
January - Nikajaga (Japan)
Moroccan Chickpea Soup - 01/18/2014
01/18/2014 - Month one, Morocco is a roaring success!
Cooked Polish Keilbasa "Christmas" Soup Wed. 1/15/2014

Followed what I remember from my father-in-law cooking this every year at Christmas and added a few things from recipes I found online. turned out awesome.


Polish Keilbasa (not polish sausage from the grocery store, actual polish Keilbasa from a polish community in Mass. )

1 cube chicken bullion.

Cubed ham (cooked)

hard boiled eggs (sliced)

horseradish (with beets if you can get it)

sauerkraut (Optional)

Put keilbasa in bottom of crockpot, cut up into 3 inch pieces. Put in Bullion cube and enough water to cover plus two or three inches. Set on high. I let this cook all day.

Layer in bowls:

Sauerkraut, ham, egg.

take keilbasa out and cut into small pieces and put into bowl. Add broth (the water the keilbasa was cooked in). add horseradish to taste.

If you can't find horseradish with beets you can smash up a small canned beet and add a little directly to the soup.

I'm so glad I learned to make this.

1. January: Morocco (Tajine)
1. JANUARY - Chapche, South Corea.

December - Sacher Torte - Austria

November - Bigos - Poland

October - Feijoada - Brazil
December --> Japanese noodles & ginger chicken
September - England - Banoffee Pie

October - Brazil - Feijoada
10.07.13: Japan, Glazed salmon with bok choy & shiitake






August - India (UK?) - Chicken Tikka Masala