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International Cuisine
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Try 10 new restaurants / Cook 5 meals from 5 different countries / Travel to London ENGLAND / Cook something from a different country every month for a year / 📖 Make a recipe book / Make a dish from a different country every month for a year / Attend 10 different ethnic festivals / Cook for friends / Create a recipe book / Make a list of my 10 favorite restaurants to eat at. Eat at each and photograph / Try out Thai food / Study 6 different cultures per year; have a themed weekend for each with food, music, culture and geographical info for the family / Take a cooking and baking class / Try 5 foreign food restaurants / 🍜 Eat Kimchi / Take cooking class for a different type of cuisine / Learn to cook 5 new dishes / Write a cookbook / Create a traditional dish from a different culture / Take a cooking class in a foreign country / Buy five cookbooks, each of a different country / Take an ethnic cooking class / Cook a meal from another culture that I've never had before / Try foods from three different cultures / Try a new cuisine / 🍷 Attend the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival FLORIDA / Try 10 new fruits or vegetables / Learn a new recipe every month / 🍴 Participate in the Crave Sydney International Food Festival AUSTRALIA / Savour a plate of piri piri and zambesi chicken at a local restaurant MOZAMBIQUE / Make a book of my favorite recipes / Eat at the King Fahd Causeway tower restaurant BAHRAIN / Make my own BBQ sauce / Attend Epcot International Food and Wine Festival FLORIDA / Visit every continent in the world (N. America, S. America, Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, & Antartica) / Feast on an ethnic food I've never had before / Take a foreign cuisine cooking class / 🍷 Attend the Noosa International Food and Wine Festival AUSTRALIA / Try Tim Tams / Visit Zoetrope Whisky Bar in Tokyo JAPAN / Eat at the McDonald's in front of the Pyramids / Cook a dish from a different country every month for a year / 🍴 Attend the World Gourmet Summit SINGAPORE / Attend the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival AUSTRALIA / Attend the Dubai Food Festival UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Eat at the Lido PARAGUAY / Savour a plate of Fante Fante and Akrantee GHANA / Attend the International Soup Festival in Cracow POLAND / Celebrate Poland's national dish at the three day fête Pierogi Festival POLAND / Savour a plate of Filet à la Minsk BELARUS / Eat a plate of peanut sauce over rice, a Southern Chad speciality CHAD / Attend the Madrid Fusion International Gastronomy Summit SPAIN / Attend the World Pizza Championship in Italy ITALY / 🌽 Take a cooking class to learn how to make Chilean pastel de choclo CHILE / Attend the Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival HONG KONG / Take a cooking class to learn how to make Chilean dishes CHILE / Cook 30 recipes from 30 different countries in 30 days / Eat pierogi ruskie POLAND /