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Get a job I love
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Love It!
On 748 lists and 141 people have done it.
I have gone back to work for the Leicester Comedy Festival- and I am really enjoying it. It is however, only a temporary role so I am already looking for other things.
Atualmente eu gosto do que faço, já tive um trabalho que amava.

Agora o direcionamento é outro. É ter uma empresa para criar vários trabalhos neste sentido.

For a while there I was starting to think this one would never happen.

But it has.

Much huzzah!
It's amazing how having an office can change your current job into a much better job.
Compliance Job 12/18/13!!
(alternativ aber auch eine Ausbildung oder sonstiges was in diese Sparte fällt, jenachdem was zu erst passiert)
CREATE a job I love!!!! DONE!
Received offer, 6/13
Met with Doug

Phone interview scheduled: Jessica

Phone interview scheduled: David
I just finished writing my 101 Things that Make me Happy List! Wow, its amazing how some of the smallest thing put a smile on my face.

Some are small and inexpensive, some are expensive and hard to accomplish, some are frequent and others rare, but all equally make me smile!
I work at a Museum and absolutely LOVE my job! Its amazing!
Elementary School Paraprofessional
Half there. Got fired from Digital Banana. 02.15.10
Rehired at Olde Petersburg Printers 04.21.10. At least better than DB. And 50cent pay raise.