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Learn to eat with chopsticks
Holding chopsticks closer to the tips gives better control, making it easier to pick up food.
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I can now eat with them, just not really well. That will just take some time and practice.
At Sidecar in Copenhagen 12/11/17
Candace bought me chop-sticks for my birthday and taught me how to use them! So far I have been very successful.
I went to an up-market Chinese Restaurant in Mornington with my mum and dad, where there were many vegetarian options! When eating, I managed to just naturally pick up and use my chopsticks 👌 the food and setting really made this experience perfect 😊
Ate a good half of a meal yesterday without dropping most of it back on the plate. I THink this means I can definitely do this now!
Didn't have to embarrassingly request a fork this time!
I'm still a but slow. But I'm pretty good at chopsticks now :-)
I'm not the greatest at using chopsticks yet but every time I have Chinese with OH and although I'm not the fastest I'm certainly improving. Rice is still a challenge though!
I'm not the greatest at using chopsticks yet but every time I have Chinese with OH and although I'm not the fastest I'm certainly improving. Rice is still a challenge though!
Still working on it~
Tried but not perfect yet!
Learned at Asian Classics restaurant! :)
Chopsticks are shaped pairs of equal-length sticks that have been used as kitchen and eating utensils in most of East and Southeast Asia for over three millennia. They are held in the dominant hand, secured by fingers, and wielded as extensions of the hand, to pick up food.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Chopsticks and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).