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Grow something from a seed
Did you know that soaking seeds in warm water overnight can help speed up germination?
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I love having plants and flowers around, but I tend to buy pre-grown plants and just maintain them. I finally grew something from seed, and they are lovely little French Marigolds.
Grew lettuce, radish, and carrots from seed this year.
Planted my mini herb garden today, all five herbs are from seed. We will see how they grow!
Managed to grow radishes, carrots and sweetcorn all from seeds
Most things in my garden were plants purchased from a nursery. These sunflowers managed to survive the chipmunks.
I used up my last butternut squash in the spring and planted the seeds from it. Look at all the offsprings.
I'm growing sunflowers and they are just starting to sprout!
I have impatiens! The others are doing very poorly after transplanting and summer heat, but I definitely succeeded with this one and i'm proud of it.
Really coming along now. My dill even looks like dill!
SPROUT! (Squint-- it's in there)
Very temporary setup, but good for now.
Found two little grow kits on sale at Jo-Ann-- I'm not sure how the strawberries are going to go, that's supposed to take a long time, but the chamomile should be faster and easier. I'm excited to try now that spring is here.
Mini greenhouse herb garden
I decided to take an avocado seed and try and turn it into a tree. Chances are high it will never bear fruit but I like the way the trees look. I've had the seed halfway submerged in water for about a week now, and already I can see progress. The seed has cracked and there are fissures at the bottom. I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks to see some roots emerge.
Growing some basil (summer 2018)
A month ago, I started my lavender, rosemary, delphiniums, and spearmint indoors. I'm hoping to keep them growing until I can transfer them outdoors in May.
Got a bonsai kit for Christmas
Look at those mini-sunflowers!!! Grown from teenie-tiny seeds!
Planted some seeds yeaterday. Let's see what'll grow.
Starting buying all the needed things for planting flowers on the 12th of March. Yay!
I found shop that sells lavender and grapes in wooden boxes with instructions. Lavender guuuuuuuuuys. I cry.
Bought different kinds of flower seeds. Thinks about herbs. Waiting for spring =3
Just planted my Kale and soon to plant more stuff!
Narcissus Paperwhite
Planted my garden!!
I planted about 30 bulbs and seeds, and so far I have one and a half pansies, and 3 unidentifiables which could just be weeds, I'm not sure.
I've grown cayenne pepper plants... planted them a few weeks ago :)
Growing Rocket salad right now.
After a few weeks. It is not in the best shape anymore, but it should be improving.
I grew a bean plant from the beans given by GoGo Squeez at Epcot. Kyle Camacho got them for me.
Now my little bean plant has sprouted!
The roots of my bean plant grew out!
Seeds planted, Cauliflower, Radish, Lettuce and Tomato - one of them has to be successful!
tomatoes, lettuce & jalapeños, the cilantro got cut out of the pic
To write up on blog.
Trying to grow a second avocado plant.
sunflowers and strawberries growing now!!
Fall/Winter 2011