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Take a photo of the same place every month for year
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On 517 lists and 13 people have done it.
Footbridge in Dartmouth Crossing
January - Done on January 24
Preferably on every first day of the month
Flutti til IS í miðjum klíðum og þurfti því að taka auka 6 mánuði
April 1, 2016. No fooling.
February 5, 2016, snow sitting on top of the ocean
February 1, 2016, 11am
February 1, 2016, 9am
November 27, 2015. High tide with storm surge.
October 2, 2015, with birds on a bait ball
August! FurBug & Human Bug, a friendly stranger who took the photograph & my bestie!
July 2015. Same spot. New Addition. Fur Bug(St) has joined Human Bug!
June 2015. 7:30 am. Cheese's first smile for the photo. The morning sun posed a challenge - but we did it!
April 2015. Blustery. Cold. The only day not warm & sunny that week.
May 2015. Sunshine! finally! A Smiling Cheeseweed! finally!
March 2015. We hoped Cheese would cooperate with a smile as he's a damned smiley baby. This is all we got.
feb 2015. We are finding it challenging to come up with new outfits to show the change in time. cheese is getting much bigger though!
February 18, 2015, 5pm and it is still light!
January 2015. Sunny and cold. Nathan is warring the snowsuit his daddy wore at his age.
December 10, 2014, 4:12pm
December 10, 2014, 2:48pm
December 2, 2014, 1:32pm
December 2, 2014, 12:38pm
December 2, 2014, 11:05am
November 24, 2014, 3:42pm
November 24, 2014, 9:58am
November 13, 2014, just after sunset
November 13, 2014, just before sunset
Last Photo/December! We did it!!
December 2014. brrrrr!
Nov 2014. Apparently I can't get it to upload rightside up.
Oct 2014. Cold, wet and Raining. K & Cheeseweed unable to participate because Newborn.
Sept 2014 K & S + in utero, Cheeseweed.
October 7, 2014. Starting over again as I didn't make it monthly through the summer.
May 25th, 2014
April Photo 4/27/14 (Bottom right)
April 9, 2014. And a bird decided to fly into the picture.
April 7, 2014. With harlequin ducks in the foreground.
March Phorot 3/31/14
February 13, 2014 with Steller sea lions in the foreground
February Photo 2/23/14
January Photo 1/7/14
Jan photo done. In the backyard.
Oops! I was gone so much of December that I forgot a photo. I guess I'm starting fresh in 2014!
November 13, 2013 sunrise
November 14, 2013 sunset
Nea Paralia 2009-2011