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Keep my room tidy for a month

Officially start Tue April 22nd
End May 22nd
End May 22nd

Need to get it tidy first. I hope to finish tidying it by Tuesday night.

First attempt starts on January 23.

5 April 2015: Calling this finished - out of 5 weeks, my apartment was fully clean weeks 1-3; 5. Things get messy during the week and picked up on weekends. I think as long as I can make a conscious effort to clean every weekend, things will eventually get to the point where they're not to (...more)

Thursday, 19 March 2015: Okay, it's a total mess right now, but I really think that as long as I can easily pick everything up when the weekend comes, it's no problem. (Doing this on MY terms!)

Week 2 and going strong! It got a little messy during the week, but once weekend came, I got to it! The art area's completely clean as well.

Started 1 March 2015.

Gestart op 31 juli - Het is intussen 6 september en mijn kamer is nog steeds schoon en opgeruimd.

Started Sat Dec 21st
Ends Sat Jan 18th
Ends Sat Jan 18th

2013-12-04 ----- 2014-01-04

30/4 - start


Starting 23.03.2013

Started on 1/26/2013


Started on May 29th.

1. Get room tidy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
2. Put dirty washing in basket/wash.
3. Put work stuff on desk.
4. Make bed.
5. Put jewelry and clean washing away.
2. Put dirty washing in basket/wash.
3. Put work stuff on desk.
4. Make bed.
5. Put jewelry and clean washing away.

started on 29-12-2011

Put clothes away, don't dump them on floor

If you ever saw my room you would know how difficult this is going to be. Wouldn't be so hard if I just had to clean up after my self, but my husband is one messy guy!

Begin: April 26
End: May 26
First attempt failed :(
Begin: May 16
End: June 16
End: May 26
First attempt failed :(
Begin: May 16
End: June 16

11/8/11 - 12/14/11, still going strong!

Started: 10/01/2012

Started August 21st 2011

Need to clean up again. Badly!

Cleaned up today!
Mindfulness Motivation Time Management Minimalism Organization Home Improvement Decluttering Habit Formation Hygiene Habits Maintenance Cleaning Storage Solutions
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