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Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever is on it
Embrace culinary adventure by trusting the cookbook and fully committing to the recipe.
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On 1,895 lists and 137 people have done it.
Mango Shallot Peanut Noodles for her...
Spicy peanut salad for me...
April 2024: Vegetarian Jambalaya from the "Vegetarian Cookbook for Teens."
Homemade sloppy joes done. This. Was. So. Bland. I tried it in the spirit of the goal, but I ended up doctoring the rest of the batch pretty liberally for a sauce with some flavor.
Random recipe #2-- My girlfriend was highly amused by this challenge and insisted that picking a page number while in an entirely different state from the book counted as even more random. She picked page 69, naturally. This one shouldn't be too bad, although I'm not sure when it's going t (...more)
Random recipe #1-- Ambrosia salad, picked by closing my eyes and letting the book fall open. This has sour cream and powdered sugar in the same recipe. Damn you, 1950s. At least it's not some kind of aspic.
Went to the 641s of the library, closed my eyes, spun around a bit, and waved my finger around the shelves while counting to seven. Came up with this baby. This...should be interesting.
Turned out to be a glorified Spaghetti Carbonara

(Gorgonzola/mascarpone cream cheese sauce, tomatoes, seasoning, bacon, pine nuts...)
Maine Home Cooking, p. 86 - Pan-Roasted chicken breasts with balsamic sauce
tiny but intense chocolate cake from smitten kitchen
I bought a new vegan cookbook called "But I could never go Vegan!" and gave it to Eva to choose anything she wanted me to make with the stipulation that she must eat what I make. Surprisingly, she choose baked BBQ tofu. I made it. It was so-so. She complained the whole time ;)
Mixed Vegetable and Soya Bean Hotpot
I opened a cook book on a random page because I had to make supper at home and was not quite sure what to make. My finger landed on a recipe to make savoy cabbage. It was great!
Ordered the probiotic in order to make this.
Spiced lentil and carrot soup from the Sensational Soup Cook book
I opened up one of my cook books. The first recipe was for Chocolate Chess pie. It was amazing! This was a really fun challenge!
I made enough jambalaya to feed a small army from the "Jamie's America" cookbook
Loved doing this so much I definitely want to do it again! And I won't pick a super easy cookbook. :)
Done 19.01.2013 - it was salmon filet with green sauce, really good!
100 Recipes Every Woman Should Know:

Bikini Season Salmon

Just Kiss Me Garlic Bread

Page 500 of step by step cooking guide: Coconut Fish Bites.
I made a vegetarian Stroganoff! It was really good.
I did this and the scallop potatoes and chicken didn't turn out like I had hoped
The best cook I've ever met is Fortune.
Picked out the recipe! Hopefully I'll make it on either Tuesday or Wednesday next week.
And the verdict is... Sausage & Chicken Gumbo. We will see how this goes.

Cooked the gumbo, but did not like it. Ahh well.
French cookbook - recipe: trout with almond sauce
Verified complete, including picture saved - 11/9/11
Caramelized pork chops & apple sauce with asparagus. Indivivdual strawberry shortcake for dessert. Althought it wasn't completely random i did grab a random cookbook and cooked through the recipe!! The pork chops came out moist and yummy, but the apples turned into something very simaliar (...more)
Done on 12.30.2011 with my family, including Jenny and the kids. I made cabbage rolls and linguine with Sour cream wine sauce...amazing!
3. Recipe was good. Will make again and try with Steak.
2. Cooked Teriyaki Steak Quesadillas but used Chicken - 11/6/11
1. Opened the August / September 2011 Taste of Home magazine to page 25 and selected Steak Teriyaki Quesadillas for the recipe - 10/31/11
Ended up making a cherry pie with my mom, we're nomming it tonight with fresh cream. Yumyumyumyum!
I made black eyed pea souffle from a vegetarian cookbook with my sister.