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Do a good deed for a stranger

Will mark this as completed. Someone needed a ride to take her cat to the vet, because she didn't have gas money. However, she was only sort of a stranger, because she was the person who owned the cat that I recently helped out with, so I had met her before. Anyway, we are so much alike an (...more)

Gave someone a ride home on Christmas Eve after they missed their bus (the last of the evening). You probably shouldn't pick up hitchhikers, but it was Christmas Eve and I feel good about getting them home to be with their family.

Completed July 20th, 2014.
Pointed out a dropped wallet to a customer at IKEA.
Pointed out a dropped wallet to a customer at IKEA.

de man met de gebroken ruit in de wijk naast de speeltuin bij de wielewaal

helped a not-so-old lady with her groceries ^^

Christmas Eve - man struggling loading his car
Empathy Kindness Compassion Philanthropy Volunteerism Charity Community Service Generosity Altruism Outreach Thoughtfulness Giving Selflessness Humanity Random Act of Kindness Goodwill
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