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Write a love letter

10 October 2022

"The World Needs More Love Letters"

I could use some effort in the romance department.

Written to Peter Hayes on 2/21/18

July 2013

Escrita e enviada a 24.Jun.2013.

06.02.3013 to V.

Im not good at this, not at all :) Its just too funny and I really am trying to be serious, maybe I shoudnt. LOL

» so many times, when i was 15, to Pedro S.
» when i was dating António (2011-2012)
» when i was dating António (2011-2012)

For Luke's 22nd Birthday, I worte a rather loving message in his card. The card also had an image of the eiffel tower on the front :)

Basically all my notes to Gretch...

Saturday October 29, 2011

10/4/10; in "New Start" Journal


Wrote and actually gave it to Gerrod. One of the most fulfilling experiences of my life :)

Love letter
A love letter is an expression of love in written form. However delivered, the letter may be anything from a short and simple message of love to a lengthy explanation and description of feelings.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Love letter and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).
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